Bem, isso é o que Kikkoman tem a dizer sobre isso :
Kikkoman Less Sodium Soy Sauce is brewed exactly the same way as all-purpose Kikkoman Soy Sauce. However, after the fermentation process is completed, approximately 40% of the salt is removed. Although there is less sodium in Less Sodium Soy Sauce, all the flavor and quality characteristics remain because it is aged before extracting the salt. However, to maintain this full flavor, we recommend using it during the latter stage of cooking in braising sauces, soups and stews, vegetables or stir-frys.
Huffington Post afirma o contrário:
Another category of soy sauce is low-sodium, which is made with extra chemicals. Cooking instructor and author of "The Chinese Takeout Cookbook" Diana Kuan recommends diluting regular soy sauce if you want less sodium instead of buying the low-sodium stuff.
A lista de ingredientes do meu molho de soja Kikkoman Less Sodium inclui ácido láctico, que não consta da lista de ingredientes do molho de soja Kikkoman Original, mas como é um subproduto da fermentação, não tenho certeza se significa algo .