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O London TravelWatch é o cão de guarda independente e estatutário para usuários de transporte dentro e ao redor de Londres. Nestas reuniões da reunião do comitê de assuntos do consumidor , podemos ler o seguinte :
2.4 Para verificar a posição legal dos passageiros
The Director, Public Liaison reports that the ticketing contract entitles you to travel between the starting point and destination. It does not specify whether the service is a railway service or a replacement bus but the operator should advise you in advance if it is a bus if possible.
2.6 Os direitos dos passageiros em caso de violação das condições de serviço
“Passengers on rail replacement services are entitled to the same conditions as these travelling on normal rail services. Therefore they are entitled to delay repay in the event of delay. The EU Regulations on rail passengers rights and obligations if enacted, will strengthen the rights of passengers to be provided with assistance and refreshments in the event of delay and full refunds in the event of severe delays leading to cancelled trips.“
Condições de transporte ferroviárias nacionais :
60. Transporte por veículos rodoviários
These Conditions apply to passengers travelling and luggage, articles, animals and cycles conveyed in road vehicles provided by a Train Company or its agents unless it is made clear to you when you buy your ticket that different conditions apply. The term “train” in this context includes any road vehicle owned or operated by a Train Company or on its behalf.
Condições individuais de transporte podem sobrepor-se ao acima e uma página com indicadores para o CoC da empresa operadora de trem individual pode ser encontrada aqui aqui a>. Algum comentário parlamentar pode ser observado na falta de padronização:
There is also a complete lack of standardisation. The only common element of Delay Repay schemes across the train operating companies is the 30-minute threshold for compensation—everything else differs. The circumstances in which compensation can be paid vary; some compensation schemes include the weather and planned engineering works, whereas others exclude them, so there is no clarity about what passengers will get.
Embora exista uma exclusão típica nos vários CoCs declarados como:
Delay Repay is a national scheme train companies use to compensate passengers for delays. You can claim compensation if you're delayed by more than 30 minutes when you travel with us (except when delays are caused by planned engineering work).
Isto parece estar relacionado com atrasos relacionados com a hora original programada quando o horário foi alterado devido a atrasos, e. do Reino Unido Citizens advice bureau comment sobre trabalhos de engenharia :
If the train company has given advance warning of engineering works and altered the timetable you will not normally be entitled to compensation.
Trens da Virgin nos dá esse esclarecimento :
When a specially-advertised revised timetable is in operation, for example at times of engineering work, we will be measured against the revised times.
De forma anedótica, existe algum argumento sobre se esta é uma cláusula de retirada absoluta, por ex. de um site popular do Reino Unido discutindo questões ferroviárias: link
Yesterday I travelled from St Pancras to Rainham by Southeastern. Due to engineering works the hourly morning train service was running to a special timetable with departures at xx55 rather than the xx25 in the normal timetable. As a result I wasted 30 minutes at St Pancras and arrived at Rainham 30 minutes later than I had expected.
Would this be claimable via delay repay?
No, a timetable change for planned engineering works is not a delay.
Alternativamente: link
O conselho apropriado pareceria ser estudar as condições precisas de transporte de sua empresa operadora de trem com o apoio das informações adicionais acima e reclamar o atraso de qualquer forma. Não faz mal alegar.No not at all. Because of the nature of the bus replacement services then there is no case for a refund.
Again the delay repay is not applicable when there are engineering works in force