Em 'The Fractal Prince', como exatamente o Pellegrini rouba o código de Chen?


Não sei se entendi os eventos do The Fractal Prince. O que eu acho que acontece no final é:

The story line which Matjek speaks to the thief inside a vir happens after Matjek has caught the thief on the Earth. That is to say, Matjek speaks to what he assumes is a gogol of the thief, whereas in reality it is the all-defector that has escaped the dilemma prison 'inside' the thief.

O que eu não entendo é:

How does the all-defector then proceed to steal Matjek's code? And why does it have to be the all-defector rather than the thief himself? Also, is Matjek's code the moment of him experiencing the deaths of many people via the beemee?

por Piotr 03.01.2018 / 00:37

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