Perguntas sobre 'terminator-2-dia do julgamento'


Por que o T-1000 continuou a perseguir John Connor se sua missão já havia falhado?

In Terminator 2, John Connor e a empresa attack the Cyberdyne Systems research department, and destroy all the things that could lead to creation of Skynet. Depois disso, vemos o T-1000 chegando ao local e aprendendo o que eles fizeram. P...
12.11.2013 / 11:48

Why is the T-1000 humanoid?

If the liquid metal T-1000 can become anything it touches, why does it choose to be humanoid most of the time? Humans aren't very efficient; is there anything stopping it from becoming some other thing that can shoot more guns at a time and run f...
10.09.2019 / 06:44

Por que o futuro John se arriscaria a devolver um T-800 para salvar seu eu mais jovem?

This question is aimed at Terminator 2: Dia do Julgamento. Would one think that he was weighing the decision that "It is either that this T-800 could end up going rogue" or "It is worth a shot or else I would have to send a human back again and t...
03.06.2019 / 14:25