Perguntas sobre 'energia'


Why has my electricity bill doubled? [duplicate]

In recent months, my electricity bill has been steadily going up, from 20% to 40% to, now, 100%. It's doubled. I don't see any appliance running continuously except several ceiling fans. All my appliances are regular, meaning what one would fi...
27.09.2019 / 03:49

How come energy manipulation is considered so powerful?

From Vulcan to Doctor Solar how can energy manipulation be so powerful? What can they do that is so devastating that they qualify as Omega Level in the Marvel Comics Universe?
20.05.2015 / 03:55

De onde surgiu o termo “assinatura energética”?

Muitas franquias de ficção científica (Stargate, Eureka, Transformers, para citar algumas) adoram usar o termo "assinatura de energia" quando desejam indicar que algo pode ser magicamente identificado, medido, localizado, rastreado ou observado d...
25.01.2014 / 05:12