Perguntas sobre 'darth-sidious'


Sidious sabia que Tyranus lutou com Yoda?

Eu vi um dos respostas isso diz; This was actually a huge shock for Palpatine, for even though he'd been told by Dooku that Yoda was actually able to repulse force lighting, something that no light side user was ever known to do, Sidious stil...
19.04.2019 / 17:28

Por que Darth Sidious precisa de guarda-costas?

Darth Sidious tinha guarda-costas em seu ônibus espacial e na sala do trono. Por que um Lorde Sith precisaria de guarda-costas? Ele é um malvado bruxo espacial que consegue ler mentes, sufocar a vida de alguém apenas conversando com eles durant...
22.06.2019 / 21:11

Why didn't Grievous recognize Palpatine?

In Vingança dos Sith, in both the novelization and the actual movie, it is heavily implied that General Grievous did not know that the seemingly helpless victim of abduction, Chancellor Palpatine, is in fact his master Darth Sidious. This could...
30.03.2018 / 03:36