Parece o filme de ficção científica de Hong Kong The Wesley's Mysterious File de 2002. De um revisão on-line :
Wesley is an expert on extra-terrestrials from his association with the Aliens Analyzing Agency, an expensive, but secret, arm of the UN. He meets Fong at an antique shop in San Francisco viewing a curio. It's a skeletal hand made from glowing blue crystal. Fong must have it because of its sentimental value. It was her brother's.
Naturally, Wesley falls for Fong. Fong is from Dark Blue. She is the sole surviving Blue Blood alien having fled her planet when it was infested by the Warlock Toxin Gang. She and her brother, Tan, came to Earth 600 years ago after the lost Blue Blood Bible they need to battle the Warlock Toxin Gang. The Warlock Toxin Gang appear to be worms with a hive mind forming a nasty gestalt; a gestalt that can change its appearance to match anyone it consumes.
Aqui está um trailer com legendas: