Que sotaque os atores usaram em Black Panther?


O povo de Wakanda em Pantera Negra falou com um sotaque. Foi inventado para o filme ou é de uma determinada parte do mundo? Soa distintamente africano, mas não consigo identificar um país ou região.

por BrettFromLA 28.03.2018 / 14:54

1 resposta

De State.com (grifo meu ):

Beth McGuire: Visually, that’s where we were. Linguistically, what we did is we honored the genealogy of the precursor to Black Panther—Captain America: Civil War. T’Challa’s father, T’Chaka, played by John Kani, is in the previous film. John Kani is from South Africa and he’s Xhosa, and he’s playing the king of Wakanda. So, Ryan and I went back-and-forth and talked about it, and I said it just makes sense. If that’s who you started with, that’s your king of Wakanda, that’s who it is, that’s the language. And so we did. We chose Xhosa, and it’s a very challenging accent, but it was kind of the kosher thing to do if we’re going to look at the genealogy of who they started with in the Marvel story. What was interesting, also, was that the young T’Chaka is played by John Kani’s real son, Atandwa Kani, in real life.

Então, eles escolheram o sotaque associado à etnia / herança nacional da vida real do ator, para ser particular o sotaque das pessoas Xhosa.

Nota: Beth McGuire é treinadora de dialetos em Black Panther

28.03.2018 / 14:56