Short Story envolvendo viagem no tempo, origem do homem e um antigo inimigo


Estou procurando uma história curta que envolva:

  • viagem no tempo;
  • a busca pelas origens da humanidade;
  • um antigo inimigo.

Foi um dos vários contos publicados em uma das Amazing Stories que costumavam ser populares há tanto tempo (a década de 1970 para este conto em particular).

O enredo, tanto quanto me lembro, seguiu as seguintes linhas:

Antropólogos históricos no presente usam uma máquina do tempo para observar os primeiros homo sapiens. Em suas viagens, eles observam que, embora o Homo sapiens esteja obviamente relacionado com nossos primos na árvore evolucionária - Neandertais e afins - o Homo sapiens não aparece até muito mais perto do presente do que se pensava anteriormente. Eles parecem apenas aparecer na linha do tempo de repente.

Enquanto a busca continua para o momento em que o Homo sapiens faz sua primeira aparição, o personagem principal tenta entender por que eles apareceriam de repente em um curto período de tempo comparado a seus primos evolucionários.

A história termina quando o personagem principal percebe a verdade óbvia. A humanidade não evoluiu aqui. Humanos foram colocados aqui. Um amigo próximo do personagem principal revela que foi tudo um teste para ver se o Homo sapiens poderia crescer e evoluir para descobrir e entender suas próprias origens.

Nossos progenitores foram trancados em eras de guerra com criaturas que podem ser descritas como Lovecraftian - imensas monstruosidades de malícia inimaginável em relação aos humanos. Foi uma guerra que nossos antepassados estavam perdendo. Eles precisavam de uma maneira de limpar a lousa, por assim dizer, e criar uma nova fonte de estratégias.

Então eles nos inventaram. Um pequeno grupo de voluntários tinha sido despojado de tudo, especialmente de suas memórias. Eles foram deixados em um mundo fértil com apenas as ferramentas de pedra e implementos básicos para sobreviver.

Um pequeno grupo de observadores também foi plantado naquele mundo para documentar o que acontece. O amigo do personagem principal foi o último dos observadores. Este observador também estava imensamente orgulhoso da capacidade da humanidade de sobreviver e inovar. Em particular, eles foram capazes de decifrar viagens no tempo, algo que a espécie original nunca pensou em tentar.

No final da história, o antigo inimigo ainda está lá no cosmos, esperando.

por Mike B 26.10.2018 / 16:22

1 resposta

"Transfusion" , uma novela de Chad Oliver , publicado pela primeira vez em Astounding Science Fiction , junho de 1959 , disponível no Arquivo da Internet .

Wikipedia resumo do enredo:

Anthropologists Ben Hazard and Ed Stone join a top-secret project which uses a time-travel device, affectionately known as "the Bucket" to return in time to observe human development throughout history. They are shocked to discover that, if they travel far enough into the past to research hominids such as Sinanthropus, they find nothing. There is no trace of humans or any related species in the deep past.

Hazard returns from a trip in which he proves that Sinanthropus did not exist in the time indicated by the age of the bones. He, Stone and their mentor, Franz Gottwald, discuss the problem. Gottwald, a by-the-book scientist, insists on facts, not speculation. They therefore decide on an exhaustive effort to discover when, and how, humans did appear on Earth.

Travelling back and forth in the past, Hazard and Stone happen upon an extraordinary event in France, over 25,000 years ago, near a cave where Cro-Magnon remains were found in their time. They see a gigantic spaceship land. Humans emerge, along with robots of various shapes and sizes. Using fantastic technology they shape the land into a primitive home, complete with artifacts such as stone tools. They deposit some apparently brainwashed humans wearing animal skins. They also bury objects in local caves. Hazard is sure that these are bones left for future generations to find.

Returning to modern times, they join Gottwald to try to solve the mystery. Clearly humans did not arise on Earth. The bones planted were probably genuine, but must have been brought from the real home of humanity. They can understand why humans might be seeded on another world, but not why the bones were planted.

Hazard takes a fishing trip to take his mind off the problem, hoping that an idea will occur to him. Remembering one of the chimpanzees used by his project trying to solve a simple puzzle, he decides that the whole thing is a gigantic experiment, a puzzle to be solved with some reward at the end. He also realizes that a necessary part of the experiment is an observer, someone who can monitor it. Such a person would want to get close to the time-travel project, and the best candidate is Gottwald himself, who came from Europe and never talks about his past.

Hazard finds Gottwald's house deserted. Entering, he finds a letter addressed to him, from Gottwald. It tells him that he has solved part of the puzzle, and for the rest he must press a hidden button and stand outside. He does this and is transported to the spaceship, still in orbit about Earth after 25,000 years. There he meets Gottwald and his wife, who are the last survivors of the people who came in the ship. Humans arose on a distant world, discovered faster-than-light space travel, carved an empire for themselves, and were then almost exterminated by the Enemy, a race of vicious monsters. So horrific are these creatures that they are part of human "racial memory", being the demons and dragons and other creatures out of nightmare.

The ship is one of four sent as a last desperate measure. The human race had to start again. It needed a "transfusion" of new ideas and ways of thinking, in order to survive the inevitable future encounter with the Enemy. Gottwald tells Hazard that his people never discovered time-travel. It may be the answer they were seeking. They wait for Ed Stone, who will surely solve the problem and join them. After that, they will begin the process of giving the ship's technology back to humanity, so they can be ready for the battles to come.


Millions of years ago, on a world that circled a sun so far away that the astronomers of Earth had no name for it and not even a number, a new animal called Man appeared. His evolution had been a freakish thing, a million-to-one shot, and it was not likely to be repeated.

[. . . .]

Man discovered the Enemy.

It was not a case of misunderstanding, not a failure of diplomacy, not an accident born of fear or greed or stupidity. Man was a civilized animal. He was careful, reasonable, prepared to do whatever was ethically right.

He had no chance.

The Enemy—pounced. That was the only word for it. They were hunters, destroyers, killers. They were motivated by a savage hunger for destruction that Man had never known. They took many shapes, many forms.

Ben saw them.

He saw them rip ships apart, gut them with an utter ferocity that was beyond understanding. He saw them tear human beings to shreds, and eat them, and worse—

Ben screamed.

The Beings were more different from Man than the fish that swim in the sea, and yet . . .

Ben recognized them. He knew them.

They were there, all of them.

Literally, the Beings of nightmares.

The monsters that had troubled the dark sleeps of Earth, the things that crawled through myths, the Enemy who lived on the black side of the mind. The dragons, the serpents, the faces carved on masks, the Beings shaped in stones dug up in rotting jungles—

The Enemy.

We on Earth have not completely forgotten. We remember, despite the shocks that cleansed our minds. We remember, we remember. We have seen them in the darkness that lives always beyond the fires, we have heard them in the thunder that booms in the long, long night.

We remember.

26.10.2018 / 21:16