Na verdade, é bastante consistente de uma perspectiva de enredo. Todos os personagens principais estão intimamente conectados; Trillian e Arthur se conheceram na mesma festa em que Zaphod a escolheu, Ford e Zaphod são parentes distantes e localizar um sobrevivente da Terra é maná do céu para os ratos (transportados por Trillian) que encorajaram Zaphod a roubar o navio (para que pudessem encontrar Magrathea) em primeiro lugar.
As chances de todas essas pessoas estarem em um lugar são infinitamente improváveis, o que, portanto, torna quase uma certeza acontecer quando exposto a um Campo de Improbabilidade Infinita.
O autor pendura um abajur na probabilidade de isso acontecer;
“I didn’t pick them up.”[said Trillian] “What do you mean? Who picked them up then?”[said Zaphod] “The ship did.” “Huh?” “The ship did. All by itself.” “Huh?” “While we were in Improbability Drive.” “But that’s incredible.” “No, Zaphod. Just very very improbable.”
“Tricia McMillan?” he said. “What are you doing here?” “Same as you,” she said, “I hitched a lift. After all, with a degree in math and another in astrophysics what else was there to do? It was either that or the dole queue again on Monday.” “Infinity minus one,” chattered the computer. “Improbability sum now complete.” Zaphod looked about him, at Ford, at Arthur, and then at Trillian. “Trillian,” he said, “is this sort of thing going to happen every time we use the Improbability Drive?” “Very probably, I’m afraid,” she said.