Isso soa como Ringworld . Eu não sei sobre o planeta deles, mas a espaçonave em que eles viajam tem um casco de vidro transparente que pode escurecer com a luz do sol e tem um campo de estase que protege os ocupantes.
The Puppeteers' General Products hulls, which are impervious to any known force except visible light and gravity, and cannot be destroyed by anything except antimatter.
The Slaver stasis field, which causes time in the enclosed volume to stand still; since time has for all intents and purposes ceased for an object in stasis, no harm can come to anything within the field.
Um dos personagens é Kzin , que são telepáticos.
the ones who exhibit telepathic ability are forced into addiction of a drug derived from the lymph of an animal called a sthondat. Sthondat lymph extract significantly increases telepathic ability