O cavanhaque do Gomez tem algo a ver com o Walter na 4ª temporada?


Na 4ª temporada de Breaking Bad Gomez cresceu um cavanhaque. Existe algum tipo de link para Walter ou algo assim? Afinal de contas, é sua "marca registrada". Então eu pensei que eles não apenas dariam a ninguém, ou eu estou apenas procurando por algo?

por Rob Kramer 15.06.2015 / 13:30

1 resposta

De acordo com Steven Michael Quezada :

To me, for a cop, Gomez is sort of a goofy, not-very-confident kind of guy. That was cool with me – that was the character, that's who he was. He grew, though. All that's happened since he separated from Hank, when they sent him to El Paso and he came back with a beard [laughs] – like a growing-up, becoming-a-man kind of thing, you know? He's a little tougher, a little more confident.

15.06.2015 / 15:10