Como os dinossauros acabaram no Dinosaur Planet?


Eu li alguns dos livros da série "The Dinosaur Planet" de Anne McCaffrey. Não me lembro - já foi explicado como os dinossauros acabaram naquele planeta?

por zipquincy 15.11.2012 / 23:30

2 respostas

O Thek preservado sequestrado resgatou os dinossauros. O planeta é uma combinação de petting-zoo & restaurante especializado.

"This planet's a zoo, Lunzie. A sanctuary for the dinosaurs. The Thek have been stocking it for millennia — even before the cataclysm," Varian broke in excitedly. "Trizein, and all the other buffs were right, the critters are from Mesozoic Terra."

"Ger was caught in a massive earthquake," Kai said, "and buried so deeply that it was unable to summon help. It had all but exhausted its substance when the Thek started looking for it."

"You see," Varian went on, "the Thek surveyed Old Terra eons ago and were entranced by the dinosaurs. Long before the animals were threatened with extinction by a climatic cataclysm, they had imported them to Ireta which they knew would permanently provide the proper environment. The Thek even brought the Rift grasses for the dinosaurs since Ireta has no natural vitamin A. Dinosaurs are Thek pets." - Dinosaur Planet Survivors

07.01.2016 / 14:44

Sim, perto do final do segundo livro , eu acredito. Durante (ou depois?) A audiência com o Tor, é revelado que eles mudaram os dinossauros para fins de 'preservação'.

15.11.2012 / 23:49