Do artigo do Wookiepedia sobre Anakin Skywalker , seus olhos mudaram de cor como resultado de abraçar o lado negro da força . Isso parece ser algo comum:
When Skywalker finally managed to climb up to the garden of the tower, he found Tano, brainwashed by the Son's influence, her eyes bearing the yellow hue of the dark side's taint.
During the self-inflicted onslaught, Palpatine went through a physical transformation as he struggled to intensify his dark side powers with his own life force, his face becoming hideously deformed and his eyes turning yellow.
Isto é confirmado a partir da entrada para Lado Negro da Força :
Many darksiders experienced a change in the pigmentation of their eyes, as their normal eye color would transform into a luminous, sulfuric yellow. Often the skin would also lose pigmentation, becoming pale and mottled while veins became increasingly visible. The hair would also lose color, making it appear as though the darksider was aging rapidly. The user's voice would also be altered, becoming a few pitches lower and raspier.
No final da ROTJ, a cor dos seus olhos mudou para o azul original.
However, his eyes were no longer the burning yellow of a Sith Lord, but the shining blue of his former self.