Como o RedBeard não foi encontrado?


Na série 4, finalmente, do Sherlock da BBC, aprendemos que

Sherlock & Mycroft's sister Eurus apparently killed Sherlock's dog, RedBeard, and hid his body where no one would find it.

Mais tarde no episódio, aprendemos que

RedBeard was actually Sherlock's best friend, not a dog, and that he was buried in a well on the family's property.

Dado que, como é possível que

no one found RedBeard?
Wouldn't the search have been rather exhaustive, and wouldn't that have been one of the first places everyone would look?

por Paul L 17.01.2017 / 18:10

1 resposta

Nenhuma resposta foi dada dentro do programa. No entanto, isso é possível se

the well was not located on the Musgrave estate grounds, but in a more remote location. Potentially, it could be an abandoned well known only to children playing around.

Isso é puramente especulação, no entanto.

17.01.2017 / 19:56