Astronautas obtêm melhora mental no espaço, retornam com tecnologia incrível


tema de ficção científica: astronautas retornam com tecnologia fantástica após um curto espaço de tempo depois de aprender a pensar melhor depois de sair da Terra.

Contos 40-60 anos atrás: nome? autor?

por user62356 22.02.2016 / 00:44

1 resposta

Tomando um palpite bastante baseado em sua informação muito limitada, eu vou com " The Ouro no Fim do Starbow "de Frederik Pohl.

A descrição do link:

A short story based on an interesting premise that at some point in the (near) future, mankind will stop making interesting, fundamental discoveries because we have too much knowledge and too much apparatus around us. In the story, the Americans launch eight astronauts in a spaceship on a ten-year journey to Alpha Centauri to land on its habitable planet called “Alpha-Aleph”. The trouble is, the planet does not exist and the spaceship has only sufficient fuel to reach the star system. More damningly, the American President and a very small circle of science and political advisors have sanctioned this one-way suicide mission, fully aware that the planet does not exist.

The rationale for proceeding with this 40-billion dollar hoax is the strong desire to advance fundamental knowledge, backed by the theory that if you throw together a small group of very intelligent people in extended isolation, they will learn to use the meagre tools at their disposal along with raw brain power to make new discoveries in fundamental sciences, especially if such thought process is not aimed at making specific discoveries. So the astronauts are taught basic number theory and elements of human communication and told to think about these as “recreational puzzles” during the long voyage. A multi-billion dollar ivory tower in action.

Se esta é a história, é uma cópia desta pergunta " História com pessoas inteligentes enviadas em uma missão espacial para lugar nenhum "

22.02.2016 / 00:51