Por que a religião de Roinares não é tão prevalente em Dorne quanto os deuses antigos estão no norte?


Quando Nymeria veio com seus 10.000 navios para Dorne, ela trouxe sua cultura, suas leis e sua civilização com ela.

Nós vemos a influência decisiva de Rhoynar na maneira como Dornish olha, o modo como suas leis de sucessão funcionam e a maneira como seus governantes são denominados como Príncipe / Princesa.

Mas essas não foram as únicas coisas que Nymeria trouxe, ela também trouxe a religião de Rhoynar com ela baseada na adoração de Madre Rhoyne, o Velho do Rio, etc.

Mas não vemos que a religião seja seguida pelos dorneses hoje. Como a religião Andal veio a dominar Dorne?

por Aegon 10.02.2018 / 19:59

1 resposta

Quando Nymeria veio para Dorne, não era exatamente uma terra vazia.

Primeiros homens foram os primeiros a povoar Dorne e depois deles vieram os invasores de Andal com seus sete deuses.

Nymeria e Rhoynar foram os últimos a migrar para Westeros. Quando ela veio, Faith of the Seven já estava estabelecida em Dorne. A maioria dos refugiados de Rhoynar eram mulheres e homens jovens que se casaram com os Dornish quando a Princesa o fez.

It is said that, amongst the Rhoynar who came to Dorne with Nymeria, eight of every ten were women … but a quarter of those were warriors, in the Rhoynish tradition, and even those who did not fight had been hardened during their travels and travails. As well, thousands who had been boys when fleeing the Rhoyne had grown into manhood and taken up the spear during their years of wandering.

By joining with the newcomers, the Martells increased the size of their host by tenfold. When Mors Martell took Nymeria to wife, hundreds of his knights, squires, and lords bannermen also wed Rhoynish women, and many of those who were already wed took them for their paramours.

Thus were the two peoples united by blood. These unions enriched and strengthened House Martell and its Dornish allies.
TWOIAF: Ancient History - 10,000 Ships

Assim foi pelos casamentos que o Rhoynar em Dorne se converteu à Fé dos Sete ao longo dos anos vindouros. Isso, no entanto, não significa que todos os Rhoynar desistiram de sua religião, os Órfãos do Sangue Verde ainda adoram o Rhoyne.

"It is a long journey," Arianne said, "but it will go easier once we reach the Greenblood. Some of Garin's people will meet us there, the orphans of the river. They live on boats, and pole them up and down the Greenblood and its vassals, fishing and picking fruit and doing whatever work needs doing."

"Aye," Garin called out cheerfully, "and we sing and play and dance on water, and know much and more of healing. My mother is the best midwife in Westeros, and my father can cure warts."

"How can you be orphans if you have mothers and fathers?" the girl asked.

"They are the Rhoynar," Arianne explained, "and their Mother was the river Rhoyne."

Myrcella did not understand. "I thought you were the Rhoynar. You Dornishmen, I mean."

"We are in part, Your Grace. Nymeria's blood is in me, along with that of Mors Martell, the Dornish lord she married. On the day they wed, Nymeria fired her ships, so her people would understand that there could be no going back. Most were glad to see those flames, for their voyagings had been long and terrible before they came to Dorne, and many and more had been lost to storm, disease, and slavery. There were a few who mourned, however. They did not love this dry red land or its seven-faced god, so they clung to their old ways, hammered boats together from the hulks of the burned ships, and became the orphans of the Greenblood. The Mother in their songs is not our Mother, but Mother Rhoyne, whose waters nourished them from the dawn of days."
AFFC: The Queenmaker

George R.R. Martin também atribui essa mudança religiosa aos casamentos inter-raciais:

Linda: Do (or did) the Dornishmen follow gods other than those of the First Men or the Andals, because of the Rhoynar? If so, does this have anything at all to do with the ruling Martell of Dorne calling him or herself Prince or Princess?

George_RR_Martin: The Dornishmen may have a few odd gods lying about, but they were pretty much assimiliated by intermarriage, so the Seven dominate down there too. The "prince" was the style of the ruler of their original cities, along the Rhoyne River.
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Ao contrário de Dorne, no entanto, o Norte nunca foi conquistado pelos Andals e o domínio dos primeiros homens continuou até o dia em que Aegon, o Conquistador, decidiu unir Westeros. Não houve grandes mudanças demográficas nem antes nem depois disso e é por isso que os Deuses Antigos ainda dominam o Norte ao contrário de Dorne, onde o Rhoynar foi absorvido pelos habitantes locais.

10.02.2018 / 20:08