Qual é o nome de uma série de livros de aventuras sob o mar, por volta de 1977?


Houve perguntas e respostas nas costas sobre a história que você acabou de ler. Eu acho que eles tinham capas verdes ou azuis. Talvez voltado para meninos, mas eram empolgantes. Alguns tinham um submarino.

por Deborah Suckling 26.09.2015 / 08:00

2 respostas

Talvez a trilogia " Hydronaut " de Carl L. Biemiller escrita entre 1970 e 1974?

Recentemente reli isso depois de lê-los quando eles saíram originalmente e eles se saíram surpreendentemente bem.

The Hydronauts: The range was not the entire world. But it was more than 80% of it, and all water. The nuclear war had long since melted much of the polar ice caps. Whole sections of continents were long gone. Hive cities had been set up under the surface of the water. Set in this world of the future, The Hydronauts tells of a team of marine wardens picked by the International Marine Counsel.

Follow the Whales: The Hydronauts, Kim, Toby Lee, Tuktu and Genright Selsor are back together again for another futuristic adventure under the sea. This time Kim and his group receive special orders to become Sea Rovers, in search of the mankind created men-fish, who seem to be "managing" certain forms of sea life already under "management" by the Warden Service of the Hive Cities. Research has indicated that the best clues to the whereabouts and behavior of the men-fish may be by following the whale herds. Carrying out their orders to see if the men-fish should be allowed to live or not, the chase begins.

Escape from the Crater: The four hydronauts revive a soldier preserved in ice since 1999, centuries before their time... - Amazon Link

Como você pode ver nas capas, eles também têm um submarino como parte das aventuras.

26.09.2015 / 13:31

Poderia ter sido a trilogia submarina de Pohl e Williamson? link

27.09.2015 / 02:09