Quanto tempo é para criar uma pintura e como posso determinar o seu valor?


Quanto tempo leva um personagem para fazer uma pintura e como o preço da pintura é determinado?

por Maiko Chikyu 27.02.2018 / 05:31

2 respostas

O Pathfinder Unchained adicionou um sistema opcional que inclui a habilidade 'artística' . Esta habilidade abrange não apenas o uso da arte para ganhar a vida, mas também a criação de peças de arte individuais como um trabalho comissionado. Parece que a segunda opção é do seu interesse.

Aproximadamente, o processo de criação de arte é semelhante ao do Crafting. Eu copiei um trecho das regras de Artistry abaixo.

Creating a Commissioned Work: If you are creating a specific commissioned work, determine the value of the work you wish to create by looking at the table below, then follow the listed steps. You must have a patron willing to pay this value to attempt to create a commissioned work. The amount earned from trying to make a living using Artistry is for works that are distributed among many people and publications, not bought by one patron.\$\DeclareMathOperator{\sp}{\text{ sp}}\DeclareMathOperator{\gp}{\text{ gp}}\$

\begin{array}{l|l l} \textbf{Quality of Work} & \textbf{DC} & \textbf{Commission Fee} \ \hline \text{Pedestrian work} & 10 & 1\sp \ \text{Pleasing work} & 15 & 25\gp\ (250\sp) \ \text{Impressive work} & 20 & 50\gp\ (500\sp) \ \text{Memorable work} & 25 & 100\gp\ (1{,}000\sp) \ \text{Masterful work} & 30 & 200\gp\ (2{,}000\sp) \ \end{array}

To determine how much time and money it takes to complete a work of art, follow these steps.

Step 1: Find the DC and price corresponding to the quality of the work you intend to create.

Step 2: Spend 1/4 the price of the work you intend to create. This represents buying supplies such as parchment and ink, hiring the services of musicians, paying for research materials, and the like.

Step 3: Attempt an Artistry check with the appropriate DC, representing 1 week's worth of work. If you succeed, multiply your check result by the DC. If the resulting value equals the price of the item in sp, then you have completed the work of art and gain your commission fee. (If the resulting value equals double or triple the price of the work in silver pieces, then you've completed the task in half or one-third of the time. Other multiples of the DC reduce the completion time in the same manner.) If the resulting value doesn't equal the price, then it represents the progress you've made this week in sp. If the check fails, you make no progress.

Step 4: If you didn't complete the work of art, you can either continue working or call it done and cut your losses. If you continue working, you must spend 1/4 the price again for each week you work. Record the result of your check from the first week, and add your progress for each subsequent week to the total until you either complete the item or cut your losses. If you decide to cut your losses, you gain the commission of the highest-quality level that your total could have completed. For instance, if you were trying to create a memorable work (a commission price of 1,000 sp) and have made only 600 sp worth of progress, you can cut your losses to gain a commission fee for an impressive work (500 sp, or 50 gp). You can't earn the value for a higher quality than you were aiming for, so if you aimed to create a memorable work but ended up creating a masterful work, you couldn't gain a commission price higher than 100 gp. When you cut your losses, you don't gain back any money you spent on supplies and services. So if you spent 250 sp when trying to create a memorable work, selling an impressive work would net you only 250 sp total if you spent 1 week of work, and would cause you to break even if you spent 2 weeks. It's possible to lose money working on a commission.

27.02.2018 / 17:41

Como objeto de arte, uma pintura é sempre comprada e vendida por uma certa quantia de dinheiro (nunca reduzida à metade, como acontece quando os jogadores tentam vendê-la).

Mas as regras reais de precificação não existem - a arte vale a pena, independentemente do valor. Todas as regras do Ofício são sobre quanto tempo leva alguém com habilidade verificar \ $ C \ $ para produzir um item de valor \ $ P \ $ e DC \ $ DC \ $ (e \ $ C \ ge DC \ $). Especificamente, se você fizer uma checagem de \ $ C \ $ contra DC \ $ DC \ $, então você fará \ $ (DC \ times C) \ text {sp} \ $ valor de progresso. Uma vez que seu progresso ao longo de várias semanas exceda o custo, em peças de prata, o item estará completo.

Em outras palavras,

$$ t_ {conclusão} = \ frac {P \ text {sp}} {DC \ times C \ frac {\ text {sp}} {\ text {semana}}} $$

Nesse caso, não sabemos \ $ DC \ $ ou \ $ P \ $. Mas podemos dizer que \ $ DC = C \ $, que é o melhor cenário, e então resolver para \ $ P \ $. Isso produz

$$ t_ {trabalho} \ vezes C ^ 2 = P $$

Assim, o número de semanas que você trabalha, multiplicado por seu teste de take-10 ao quadrado, é o valor da obra de arte em peças de prata.

27.02.2018 / 05:43