Sabemos exatamente onde Kirk vai nascer?

Eu sou um fã amador de Star Trek - eu assisti alguns TOS e alguns filmes, mas eu sei o suficiente para lembrar que o Capitão Kirk é de Iowa. Eu não sei onde em Iowa, apenas Iowa.

Recentemente me deparei com uma cidade (Riverside, Iowa) que afirma ser o futuro local de nascimento de James T. Kirk. De acordo com este artigo , alguém escolheu o Riverside do nada, sem evidências do cânone.

Minha pergunta é: ele diz em algum lugar no cânon de Star Trek onde exatamente Kirk foi irá nascer?

por CHEESE 08.01.2017 / 16:34

1 resposta

Mundo Real

De acordo com o Humboldt Travel Journal, a decisão de comemorar Riverside, Iowa como o local de nascimento de James Kirk foi originalmente destinado a atuar como um atrator turístico. Após o sucesso do primeiro Trek-con, o Conselho decidiu então construir um museu dedicado a Jornada nas Estrelas.

This phenomenon is the brainchild of Riverside City Council Member Steve Miller. In March of 1985, Miller suggested to the City Council, which was looking for a theme for the annual town festival, to celebrate Riverside as the future birthplace of James Tiberius Kirk, the infamous captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise on NBC's late 1960s sci-fi series "Star Trek." The future historical birth, which is set to take place on March 22, 2228, is also celebrated annually by the people of Riverside.

"I had read in Stephen Whitefield and Gene Roddenberry's 'Making of Star Trek' that Kirk was born in a small town in Iowa," said Miller. "So out of the clear blue sky, I made a motion at the City Council meeting that we designate Riverside as Kirk's future birthplace."

Deep Space Iowa: The Captain Kirk Museum - Humbold Journal

Linha do tempo principal (canon principal)

Tudo o que sabemos é que o local de nascimento de Kirk (original) era em Iowa. Nenhuma cidade específica é mencionada.

Linha do tempo alternativa (Abramverse Canon)

Kirk nasceu em um ônibus espacial , então arrecadado em Riverside, Iowa, próximo aos Riverside Shipyards onde a Enterprise estava em construção.

“We’re at the Riverside shipyard inspecting construction of a new vessel. Shuttle for new recruits leaves tomorrow oh-six hundred.” He hesitated, then locked eyes one last time with the younger man standing across from him. “Your father was the captain of a starship for twelve minutes. He saved eight hundred lives, including your mother’s and yours. I dare you to do better.” Pivoting sharply, he headed for the door.

Star Trek (2009): Official Novelisation

EU Canon

Muitos autores, incluindo William Shatner (o ator que protagonizou Kirk nos principais filmes e filmes de cânone) mencionaram que Kirk nasceu em Riverside, Iowa.

“Okay. That’s you, I guess,” she said. “Where are you from?”


“Sounds pretty. Is it a Federation colony?”

Abruptly self-conscious, Jimmy realized he hadn’t added the main part of his address. He was used to being with people who already knew. “No… it’s in Iowa.”

Star Trek TOS: Best Destiny


Joseph brightened. “I remember the horses.” They’d gone to a ranch resort in Iowa near the site of the Kirk family farm, on the outskirts of Riverside. But the land was now a world heritage park, and not even the foundations of the house or the barn had remained. Kirk recalled that, in an earlier time, there’d even been a statue of himself nearby. But that was gone, too. The old saying was true: Fame was fleeting. Nor could it compare with the simple joy of riding with his child.

Star Trek TOS: Captain's Glory by William Shatner

08.01.2017 / 16:42