De que roteiro de Star Trek foi retirado o nome de Sasheer Zamata, e qual foi a grafia original?


No The Late Show com Stephen Colbert Sasheer Zamata é um nome difícil para certas pessoas depois de cerca de 02:00 a comediante diz:

…my name doesn’t come from any African or island culture. It’s from Star Trek. My parents are trekkies. And they were really into trekkie culture.

My mom found the original script where my name comes from, and realized that my parents accidentally misspelled my name.

Pergunta: De que roteiro de Star Trek foi retirado o nome de Sasheer Zamata, e qual foi a grafia original?

por uhoh 29.07.2018 / 13:09

1 resposta

Isso é de TOS: por qualquer outro nome . Zamata descreveu as circunstâncias com um pouco mais de clareza em esta entrevista

ZAMATA: ...Captain Kirk was flirting with this alien princess, as he does. And he gave her a rose. And she goes, oh, we have something like this on my planet except it's made out of crystal and it's called Sasheer. And my parents were like yes...

E podemos ver a grafia correta na novela de Blish do episódio (baseada no roteiro original).

“Flowers,” he said, moving closer to her, cautiously. “I don’t know the variety.”

“Our memory tapes tell us of such things on Kelva,” Rojan said. “Crystals which form with such rapidity that they seem to grow. They look like these; fragile things, somewhat. We call them ‘sahsheer.’”

Star Trek 6: By Any Other Name

Curiosamente, os cristais sahsheer recebem uma verificação de nome no romance da UE Rescaldo apesar de ser nativo de outra galáxia .

“That’s the part of war people don’t talk about much. Sure, the loss of life is horrible—the Breen took a lot of my friends that day. And the property losses, okay, those are bad too. But it’s a damn sight easier to rebuild a lecture hall or an office complex than it is to regrow a Gordian oak or a sahsheer crystal."

29.07.2018 / 13:55