Por que os comandos dos EUA continuam sussurrando nomes de terroristas?


No filme, Zero Dark Thirty , os comandos dos EUA continuam sussurrando nomes de terroristas enquanto atacam a residência de Bin Laden.

Para minha surpresa, a técnica funciona muito bem, os comandos conseguem matar vários terroristas, incluindo Bin Laden.

Os terroristas deveriam estar cientes de que os comandos dos EUA estão na casa e tentando matá-los, por que eles responderiam aos sussurros dos comandos e estariam com a cabeça para fora?

por Yu Zhang 16.05.2018 / 07:48

1 resposta

Este é um conceito de filme.

A idéia é tirar Osama Bin Laden de onde ele estiver, mas ...

.... não aconteceu de verdade.

In his interview this week with ‘The Shooter’ – the US Navy Seal who killed Osama bin Laden – the American journalist Phil Bronstein described a trip to the cinema he and the unnamed man took to watch Zero Dark Thirty.

The film, which tells the story of the hunt for and eventual assassination of the al-Qaeda leader in Abbottabad, Pakistan, claims its action is ‘based on firsthand accounts of actual events’.

‘The Shooter’, however, had some quibbles. For a start, he said, the actors playing Seal Team 6, the special mission unit that staged the raid on bin Laden’s compound, talked too much. No one would ever yell “Breacher!” when calling for someone to blow down a door, he said - you would just put your fist to your helmet; the recognised signal for a Seal with explosive packets to get to work.

What’s more, when the terrorist leader was finally tracked down, in his bedroom on the third floor of the building, there was no whispered calling out of his name – “Osama, Osama” – to lure him into the open, as happens in the film.

"When Osama went down, it was chaos, people screaming. No one called his name," The Shooter told Bronstein.


16.05.2018 / 08:50