Qual é a diferença entre a Resistência e a Rebelião?


Nos últimos dois episódios de Guerra nas Estrelas, o termo Resistência foi introduzido. Mas às vezes, em cada um desses filmes, parece ser usado de forma intercambiável com a "Rebelião".

Qual é a diferença entre esses dois termos?

por Jason P Sallinger 19.12.2017 / 22:33

2 respostas

Primeiro, vamos ver o que essas palavras significam exatamente:


the refusal to accept or comply with something.


an act of armed resistance to an established government or leader.

Rebeliões existem em oposição ao Império mas o Império já está caído assim feito a necessidade de Rebeliões. Agora é Resistência contra a Primeira Ordem.

Isso é o que Isaac pensa:

“Just think about the words,” Isaac told io9 in an interview this weekend. “One is to rebel against, so it’s an offensive action. Resisting is on the defensive. So I think the big difference is that [The Resistance] is even more cornered.”

That does not sound like the grand victory people imagined for the Rebellion after the end of Return of the Jedi. Isaac also said “There’s less of them” and “It’s slightly less organized,” which pretty much paints a picture of the universe we’re going to see in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.- io9.gizmodo.com

“This is one of the very cool things about working with Lucasfilm and J.J. [Abrams] is we’re creating this stuff together,” Isaac said. “And they’re open to that and they’re excited by that. So [the backstory] was a collaboration. That was me realizing that Yavin, the Rebel base at the end of A New Hope, was shot in Guatemala. I was born in Guatemala. This takes place 30 years later. Which is close to my age. And so I thought ‘Why couldn’t Poe be from Yavin? He could be from there, that rebel base.’ And I said that in some interviews. Lucasfilm heard that, it got back to the creators of Shattered Empire and they thought ‘That’s a cool idea.’ This is the first time where me talking about my character background I usually do as an actor, I get a comic book out of it. It’s pretty wild. They’re doing a beautiful job. I think it’s great. The story itself I had nothing to do with just the seed of that’s where Poe in born.”

20.12.2017 / 07:29

Eu sempre pensei que "A Rebelião" se referia ao movimento, enquanto "A Resistência" se refere ao grupo de pessoas que servem esse movimento sob a General Organa.

Em outras palavras, pessoas em planetas por toda a galáxia podem fazer parte de "A Rebelião" sem realmente lutar com "A Resistência".

20.12.2017 / 08:56