É “Medo dos Mortos Vivos” canônico?


A nova série Fear the Walking Dead estreou hoje à noite, e eu estou me perguntando se Robert Kirkman, os outros produtores, etc, discutiram em que grau ela pode ser considerada canônica.

por Wad Cheber 24.08.2015 / 06:46

1 resposta

Embora eu nunca tenha visto nenhuma das pessoas envolvidas especificamente usar o termo "canon" para descrever o relacionamento, Robert Kirkman e Dave Erickson fizeram um número de comentários indicando que o show está firmemente dentro do mesmo universo que o principal. exposição.

No SXSW, Kirkman disse

"We're going to be focusing a little bit earlier," Kirkman said. "There will be hints and moments in the second show that if you go back and watch the first season of The Walking Dead will inform some of the discoveries that they had. It's going to be cool. We are trying to form an overall tapestry of a TV universe."

Ele também mencionou para o EW que o show irá se alinhar especificamente com a história principal.

“I will say that it will definitely progress,” Kirkman says, referring both to the outbreak and the story that accompanies it. “I will say that I don’t consider this show to be a prequel to The Walking Dead, because there will be a point where a certain episode of this show will line up with season 2 of The Walking Dead, and a certain episode of this show will line up with season 3 of The Walking Dead.

O showrunner Dave Erickson disse que tudo foi feito dentro do novo show foi aprovado por Kirkman, e que certos enredos e pontos de enredo são especificamente proibidos.

Just as in Kirkman's comics — which also won't ever reveal what caused the world as we know it to crumble — neither Fear nor the flagship drama will ever explain what happened to civilization. Erickson, despite his best pitches to Kirkman to touch on the subject, was shot down. "I had a couple of early pitches that touched on that and Robert shut me down. For him, it's never been about what caused it; it's always been about the impact it has on people," Erickson says.


"We won't see the CDC," Erickson says. "When we have two narratives living under the same umbrella mythology, the instinct would be to bring those two stories together and to conflate them. From a creative standpoint, I think we have enough story that we'll be able to ride on for quite some time."

Dado o quão entrelaçadas são as duas histórias, e o nível de aprovação concedido por Kirkman, é razoavelmente seguro dizer que Medo The Walking Dead deve ser considerado canon (ou pelo menos o mesmo nível de canon como o principal programa de TV).


Apesar das conversas anteriores de que os dois shows não se cruzariam, foi recentemente anunciado que: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/fear-walking-dead-lennie-james-morgan- crossover-explainated-1061623 "> a quarta temporada de Fear The Walking Dead iria realmente cruzar por meio de Morgan Jones (Lennie James) de The Walking Dead aparecendo . Isso confirma explicitamente que os dois shows existem no mesmo universo.

24.08.2015 / 07:30