Quem é mais esperto no laboratório de Dexter?


No laboratório de Dexter, há uma constante rivalidade entre Dexter e Mandark. Eles tentam superar um ao outro repetidas vezes. Em qualquer episódio, já foi determinado quem realmente era a pessoa mais inteligente? (antes de entrarmos em como você determina inteligência / inteligência / etc, eu gostaria de usar as regras mundiais para inteligência, já que lembro que eles falaram em termos de leituras de inteligência relativas ou absolutas.

por Himarm 12.11.2015 / 17:56

2 respostas

Se você for pela primeira introdução de Mandark no Episódio "Dexter's Rival" , Mandark é mais inteligente.

When Mandark started going to Huber Elementary School on the first day of the school year, he would end up meeting his future rival Dexter and as soon as they came face to face, Mandark proved that he was the far superior intellect. Upon their first meeting, Mandark proved that he was far smarter than Dexter and even won over the affections of Dexter's beloved teachers. To try and prove that he was still superior, Dexter showed Mandark his laboratory thinking it would mean that he was smarter than him, but then Mandark revealed that he had an even bigger and better laboratory. Mandark then forced Dexter to shut down his lab, or else become Mandark's lackey, and Dexter, unable to let go of his pride, shut down his laboratory.

- Fonte

Yes, Dexter, I can read your thoughts, and I am smarter than you.

-Mandark ("Rival de Dexter")

12.11.2015 / 20:21

Não é uma resposta real desde que você queira saber se Dexter ou Mandark é o mais esperto, mas houve um episódio em que Dee Dee se tornou mais inteligente que Dexter. Este foi o Episódio "Assistente de Dexter" ( ênfase minha, também só estou adicionando isso como um responder porque é um dos meus episódios favoritos ):

Dexter puts the brain inside of Dee Dee and she becomes smart. Dexter takes Dee Dee over the the transportation machine again and he gets in. Dee Dee tells Dexter she doesn't think this will work but he ignores her warning, starts the machine and tells her to push the button which she does. However the machine messes up and blows Dexter off from the top and shutting the power down again.


Later, Dexter is working with fuses and he has a bunch of long flowing hair. Dee Dee tells him what fuses are right and what fuses are wrong but Dexter tells her that he knows what he is doing. Dexter cuts the wron wire and it explodes in his face. Dee Dee tells him that they were all wrong.


Later, Dexter is at the science fair and shows his great invention. The winner of the science fair gets announced and the winner is said to be Dee Dee who has built a Merry-Go-Round machine...

13.11.2015 / 00:13