Boa pergunta, me fez checar minha cópia do romance alemão original. Na verdade, fornece mais algumas dicas e suporta uma combinação de seus dois primeiros palpites:
"You talked to him? But that is sacrilege! We must not talk to the humans. The untouchables must not exchange a single word with the unclean, even when they are in mortal danger."
"Oh, look, there is a believer among us! But even if that should hurt your religious feelings, Francis, I have to say it: I hate God! I hate the one who created the world, I hate the one who created this mankind, men like Preterius and situations like back then. If there is a god, then he is a giant, horrid spider in the darkness. We cannot recognize the darkness, the spider's face behind it and the giant spider's net that is behind the illusion of happiness and kindliness."
"And how did to talk to him?"
"How? Well, I noticed that things were slowly but surely coming to an end for me and therefore didn't want to leave anything untried. So I made an effort and moved my jaw like a human, produced sounds like a human, imitated human speech. What croaked out of my throat sounded rather strange, but the madman understood it."
O ângulo religioso fascinante não é mais explicado. Talvez em algumas das 7 seqüências que o autor escreveu. Eu tenho três deles, mas faz anos desde que os li. Tudo que lembro é que as parcelas deles tendem a ser bem parecidas com a primeira, sem estarem diretamente conectadas através de outra coisa que não seja o personagem principal.