O que é Coelho e o que “cenoura verde” sugere?


Acabei de ler Vernor Vinge 's Rainbows End . Eu suspeito strongmente que Rabbit é um AI, mas aqui no Ch 25 Você não pode perguntar a Alice Anymore , há uma linha:

It was amusing that despite the carrot greens and all the other generous clues Rabbit had provided, Alfred & Co had not realized whence his powers came, or how great they were.

Então, o que isso significa, cenoura verde ? É um símbolo da IA?

por athos 15.08.2017 / 00:45

2 respostas

Pode ser que as cenouras sejam simbólicas da capacidade do Coelho de transcender (eu uso propositalmente esse termo) o Secure Hardware Environment (SHE). Quando Coelho aparece no escritório de Alfred Vaz, Vaz inicialmente tem esse medo, apenas para tê-lo aliviado ao encontrar o culpado "real" na forma de software com bugs e configurações ruins de registro. Os verdes de cenoura são ostensivamente deixados como um aborrecimento, mas podem ser um prenúncio da posterior percepção de Vaz de que o SHE não é mais seguro, e que o Coelho é de fato a Próxima Coisa Muito Má.

21.08.2018 / 06:38

Shmoop menciona o seguinte:

Also: after Rabbit disappears, the leafy green top of the carrot he left stays around for three days. Which is a not-so-subtle message to Alfred that Rabbit might be more powerful than Alfred expected.

Parece que essa pode ser a "pista" de sua grandeza.

Trecho relevante do capítulo 9:

Surely Armageddon would not be announced by a silly rabbit? There followed almost eighty hours of uncertainty as Alfred's inner teams pounded away at the mystery. Finally, his EIA analysts discovered the true explanation, something at once comforting and deeply embarrassing to them: Rabbit had — admittedly with extraordinary cleverness — exploited a combination of buggy software and foolish registry settings, the kind of flaws that bedevil careless consumers. The bottom line: Rabbit was far more dangerous than Alfred had originally thought, but he was not the Next Very Bad Thing.

Vaz suffered through every moment of the suspense. But in the end, the most infuriating aspect of the incident was the piece of carrot that Rabbit left on his desk. With all the resources and expertise of the modern Indian state, it took EIA signals intelligence almost three days to obliterate the logic that injected that image into his office network.

O que quer que isso signifique, Vaz percebe isso no capítulo 32.

He had heard enough to know that Rabbit's accusations were in the pdf sent to Parker's laptop. Alfred would never complete his research program. Indeed, Rabbit had been the Next Very Bad Thing. The carrot greens in Mumbai had made the point, but I willfully ignored the evidence, so hoping I was to win with my plan.

15.08.2017 / 00:49