Breve história da Playboy (SciFi) dos anos 80


Esta foi uma história publicada na revista Playboy nos anos 80.

Um negociante de arte intergaláctico é atraído para alienígena bonito. Quando eles fazem amor, o clímax é um vislumbre de seu ser interior & o mundo de onde ela é.

por John zakrzewski 16.09.2016 / 17:57

1 resposta

Poderia ser " Tourist Trade " de Robert Silverberg ( Dezembro de 1984, Playboy)?

Eitel is an art dealer who is selling a Renaissance painting to collectors from Centauras. His price was four million, but he offers a special deal when he sees the lady Centauran.

In that bleak moment came a surprise. For as he shook and quivered in the force of that dismal ejaculation something opened between them, a barrier, a gate, and the hotel melted and disappeared and he saw himself in the midst of a bizarre landscape. The sky was a rich golden-green, the sun was deep green and hot, the trees and plants and flowers were like nothing he had ever seen on Earth. The air was heavy, aromatic, and of a piercing flavor that stung his nostrils. Flying creatures that were not birds soared unhurriedly overhead, and some iridescent beasts that looked like red velvet pillows mounted on tripods were grazing on the lower branches of furry-limbed trees. On the horizon Eitel saw three jagged naked mountains of some yellow-brown stone that gleamed like polished metal in the sunlight. He trembled. Wonder and awe engulfed his spirit. This is a park, he realized, the most beautiful park in the world. But this is not this world. He found a little path that led over a gentle hill, and when he came to the far side he looked down to see Centaurans strolling two by two, hand in hand, through an elegantly contoured garden.
Oh, my God, Eitel thought. Oh, my God in heaven!
Then it all began to fade, growing thin, turning to something no more substantial than smoke, and in a moment more it was all gone. He lay still, breathing raggedly, by her side, watching her breasts slowly rising and falling. He lifted his head. She was studying him. “You liked that?”

16.09.2016 / 18:06