Qual é o símbolo na cena pós-créditos da Infinity War?


Na cena pós-créditos de Avengers: Infinity War,

Director Fury sends a signal somewhere but instead of the recipient's name, a logo is displayed on the device instead. It looked like a golden star with golden angular "wings" behind it on a blue and red background. It resembled Captain America's logo but it wouldn't make much sense to send a signal to him at that point. I assume the logo belongs to a Marvel character who will be introduced in a future film.

screenshot of the device

A quem esse símbolo pertence?

por Moyli 25.04.2018 / 22:06

2 respostas

É uma referência para

Captain Marvel, whose movie is coming out soon. Here's her suit: Captain Marvel

25.04.2018 / 22:11

O logotipo que foi mostrado no pager de Nick Fury era o logotipo de ...

Captain Marvel.

Captain Marvel

28.04.2018 / 10:19