Este é o Memorial de Theodore Sturgeon de Astounding Science Fiction (abril de 1946)
In "Memorial" (Astounding, April 1946), the visionary (or mad) scientist, Grenfell, seeks to create an atomic horror, The Pit, as a lasting memorial which will make man realize that he must never use atomic power in war. Largely structured as a dialogue between Grenfell and the journalist Roway, the story voices the fear of the period. Sturgeon reveals his stance by allowing Roway and the government agents whom he has brought with him to force Grenfell to use his development as a weapon—not Grenfell's idealism—to cause the nuclear explosion. It initiates not one but two atomic wars; there were no more after that . . . only "half-stooping, naked things whose twisted heredity could have been traced to mankind." In 5000 A.D. with The Pit still radiating, "the Earth could never forget the horror that could be loosed by war. That was Grenfell's dream" (p. 286).