Como Anakin e Obi-Wan pretendiam resgatar o Chanceler Palpatine?


Em Revenge of the Sith , de acordo com o título crawl, Anakin e Obi-Wan "lideram um Uma missão desesperada para resgatar o chanceler em cativeiro. "Eles fazem isso chegando a dois caças estelares de um homem. O carro-chefe de Grievous parece ter apenas caças dróides, então eles não poderiam ter roubado outros navios, e eles provavelmente não tinham originalmente pretendem derrubar o carro-chefe inteiro. Alguma fonte explica como eles originalmente planejaram tirar Palpatine do navio?

por Milo P 30.12.2014 / 02:19

1 resposta

A romancização aborda isso. Eles esperavam conseguir um ônibus espacial na baía de Hangar.

Anakin slewed his starfighter into a landing that scattered droids with the particle blast from his sublight thrusters and for one second he was nine years old again, behind the controls of a starfighter in the Theed royal hangar, his first touch of a real ship’s real cannons blasting battle droids - He’d have done the same right here, except that Palpatine was somewhere on this ship. They just might need one of the light shuttles in this hangar to get the Chancellor safely to the surface; a few dozen cannon blasts bouncing around in here could wreck them all.

This he’d have to do by hand.

E supondo que o plano falhou (o que aconteceu), eles tiveram um backup;

“This is not the best plan we’ve ever had!” he shouted. “This was a plan?” Palpatine sounded appalled.

“We’ll make our way forward!” Obi-Wan shouted. “There are only droids back here! Once we hit live-crew areas, there will be escape pods!

30.12.2014 / 03:05