Ho boy. Por onde começar ...
Deixá-lo morrer de fome
He knew he ought to hide the rat, but he was so hungry. It had been two days since he had eaten, or maybe three. Down here in the dark it was hard to tell. Though his arms and legs were thin as reeds, his belly was swollen and hollow, and ached so much that he found he could not sleep. (DwD, Reek 1)
Batendo os dentes
“He smiles less often now,” Lord Ramsay confessed. “I may have broken some of his pretty white teeth.” (DwD, Reek 1)
Cortar dedos e dedos dos pés
Thus far he had lost two fingers off his left hand and the pinky off his right, but only the little toe off his right foot against three from his left. (DwD, Reek 1)
Mas é como ele os elimina que é o kicker.
Lord Ramsay would never simply cut off a man’s finger. He preferred to flay it and let the exposed flesh dry and crack and fester. Reek had been whipped and racked and cut, but there was no pain half so excruciating as the pain that followed flaying. It was the sort of pain that drove men mad, and it could not be endured for long. Soon or late the victim would scream, “Please, no more, no more, stop it hurting, cut it off,” and Lord Ramsay would oblige. (DwD, Reek 1)
Chicote e esfoliação variados
Veja a segunda citação acima.
Está implícito nos livros que Ramsay cortou o Little Ironborn de Theon. No programa, eles explicitam isso.
Ramsay rose, the firelight shining on his face. “Reek, get over here. Get her ready for me.”
For a moment he did not understand. “I ... do you mean ... m’lord, I have no ... I ...”
“With your mouth,” Lord Ramsay said. (DwD, The Prince in Winterfell)
Tortura psicológica
Mais notavelmente, Ramsay intencionalmente permitiu que Theon e uma mulher chamada Kyra escapassem, só para que ele pudesse caçá-los e arrastá-los de volta para o castelo. Mas obviamente, a tortura sem parar não ajudou. No final, ele faz Theon esquecer seu próprio nome, cria uma identidade inteiramente nova e quebra o príncipe sorridente em uma criatura contorcida aterrorizada por Ramsay. Existem literalmente muitos exemplos dessa tortura psicológica para citar.