A maioria das alterações foram ajustes muito pequenos na direção do palco e / ou no diálogo.
Muitas das instruções do palco foram expandidas e / ou alteradas.
2016: ALBUS is asleep in a hospital bed. HARRY sits troubled beside him. Above them is a picture of a concerned kindly man. HARRY rubs his eyes — stands — and walks around the room. He stretches out his back.
2017: ALBUS is asleep in a hospital bed. HARRY sits, troubled, beside him. Above them is a picture of a concerned, kindly man. A picture keeping a careful eye on them both. HARRY rubs his eyes, stands, and walks around the room, stretching his back.
Act 2 - Scene 8 -
Alguns Diálogos foram pouco alterados. Algumas linhas foram adicionadas, removidas e / ou deslocadas para outros caracteres.
2016: SCORPIUS: How did Cedric become a Death Eater? What have I missed? Find me some — light in the darkness. Tell me your secrets. What have I missed?
2017: SCORPIUS: How did Cedric become a Death Eater? What have I missed? Find me some — light in the darkness. Act 3 - Scene 4
2016: HERMIONE: A daughter.
RON: And a son. I liked that idea too.
2017: HERMIONE: A daughter and a son.
He smiles gently at her, their love is true and total.
RON: I liked that idea too.
Algumas das estranhas partes assustadoras foram atenuadas por um leve entalhe.
2016: ALBUS/RON: Or if not another baby, a holiday. I want a baby or a holiday and I’m going to insist on it. Shall we talk about it later, honey?
She tries to get into the room one final time, he blocks her with a kiss. It develops into quite a struggle.2017: ALBUS/RON: Or if not another baby, a holiday. I want a baby or a holiday and I’m going to insist on it. Shall we talk about it later, honey? Act 1 - Scene 18
2016: MOANING MYRTYLE: I think it was a secret, but I could never keep anything from you, Harry. How is it you’ve grown handsomer and handsomer as you’ve aged? And you’re taller.
2017: MOANING MYRTYLE: I think it was a secret, but I could never keep anything from you, Harry. How is it you’ve grown handsomer and handsomer as you’ve aged?
Act 2 - Scene 19 -
Uma "conversa sobre roteiros de leitura" entre o autor Jack Thorne e o diretor John Tiffany foi adicionada ao começo.
Uma linha do tempo rudimentar e uma árvore genealógica foram adicionadas ao final.