O OBJETIVO 4-4-12 diz que uma autorização de aproximação cancela uma restrição de velocidade, mas o ATC pode reafirmar explicitamente a restrição, se necessário:
Approach clearances supersede any prior speed adjustment assignments, and pilots are expected to make their own speed adjustments as necessary to complete the approach. However, under certain circumstances, it may be necessary for ATC to issue further speed adjustments after approach clearance is issued to maintain separation between successive arrivals. Under such circumstances, previously issued speed adjustments will be restated if that speed is to be maintained or additional speed adjustments are requested. Speed adjustments should not be assigned inside the final approach fix on final or a point 5 miles from the runway, whichever is closer to the runway
As Ordens do ATC 5-7-1 fornecem a orientação do controlador:
c. At the time approach clearance is issued, previously issued speed adjustments must be restated if required.
d. Approach clearances cancel any previously assigned speed adjustment. Pilots are expected to make their own speed adjustments to complete the approach unless the adjustments are restated