Como Darth Sidious conseguiu diminuir toda a habilidade dos Jedi de usar a Força?


Windu: I think it is time we informed the Senate that our ability to use the Force has diminished.
Yoda: Only the Dark Lords of the Sith know of our weakness. If informed, the Senate is, multiply, our adversaries will.
(src: Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones)

Como apenas um (ou dois se você contar estagiários) Sith Lord - mesmo tão poderoso quanto Sidious - diminui todos da habilidade dos Jedi em usar a Força, aparentemente em toda parte da Galáxia?

Estou à procura de uma resposta usando qualquer coisa, exceto o nível N-canon do sistema canon antigo (ou seja, canon ou Legends , sob o novo sistema canônico), e não simplesmente especulação.

por DVK-on-Ahch-To 30.08.2012 / 17:11

5 respostas

Boa pergunta.

Você pergunta:

How did just one (or 2 if you count trainees) Sith Lord - even as powerful as Sidious - diminish all of Jedi's ability to use the Force, seemingly everywhere in the Galaxy?

A resposta é que ele não pode. :)

Na verdade, ele não mudou literalmente as habilidades de força dos Jedis. Ele mudou a própria Força. Veja esta passagem em A vingança de Sith :

And while Palpatine answered, Mace Windu reached into the Force. To Mace's Force perception, the world crystallized around them, becoming a gem of reality shot through with flaws and fault lines of possibility. This was Mace's particular gift: to see how people and situations fit together in the Force, to find the shear planes that can cause them to break in useful ways, and to intuit what sort of strike would best make the cut. Though he could not consistently determine the significance of the structures he perceived—the darkening cloud upon the Force that had risen with the rebirth of the Sith made that harder and harder with each passing day—the presence of shatterpoints was always clear.

De Labirinto do mal

Yoda surrendered himself to the current of the Force. Sometimes, when the current was swift and steadfast, he could see through the eyes of his fellow Jedi, almost as if they were the Temple's remote sensors. And sometimes when the current was especially forceful, when it surged as if descending from great heights, he could hear the voice of Qui-Gon Jinn, as clearly as if he were still alive.

Master Yoda, he might say, we still have much to learn. The Force remains a code only partially deciphered. But another key has been found. We will become stronger than we have ever been...

Today was not one of those days. Today the current was interrupted by eddies and whirlpools, hydraulic traps whose roar overpowered the voices Yoda sought to hear. Today the current was not pellucid, but muddied by red soil eroded from distant shores, treacherous with obstacles, tainted. Though he was scarcely aware of it, his eyelids were squeezed tight, his eyeballs dancing beneath as if incapable of focusing on any one thing.

He had an image of himself drawing aside a veil only to find another, and another beyond that. The dark side frustrated his every effort to see clearly. The experience was still something new to him. Even though he'd had centuries to grow accustomed to foreboding, he had lived far longer without it. The dark side never completely disappeared - - it scratched at the surface like an insect crawling across a transparisteel panel - - and he had been able to sense its incremental increases in strength when the Jedi erred, or when the Republic erred, and soon the two were hand in hand.

Os Jedi são os servos do lado da luz, a força. Quanto mais fraco fica, mais difícil é ver claramente, já que o lado negro faz tudo para enganá-los.

O Sith fez o lado negro mais strong.

Eles usaram três métodos para fazer isso:

Forçar técnicas:

A Força é influenciada por todos os seres vivos, é por isso que todos os lugares não caem da mesma forma na Força. Se um lugar é habitado por seres cheios de medo, raiva e ódio, o lugar se tornará strong no lado escuro (Korriban). Para um ser strong na Força, uma única vez pode ser suficiente: o lugar onde a mãe de Anakin morreu permaneceu contaminado por pelo menos décadas. A partir do estudo da Força, é possível fazê-lo conscientemente, tanto Jedi (Shaak Ti em Felucia) quanto Sith fizeram isso.

Plagueis e Sidious fizeram o mesmo para toda a galáxia ( Darth Plagueis ):

The question of whether he and Sidious had discovered something new or rediscovered something ancient was beside the point. All that mattered was that, almost a decade earlier, they had succeeded in willing the Force to shift and tip irrevocably to the dark side. Not a mere paradigm shift, but a tangible alteration that could be felt by anyone strong in the Force, and whether or not trained in the Sith or Jedi arts. The shift had been the outcome of months of intense meditation, during which Plagueis and Sidious had sought to challenge the Force for sovereignty and suffuse the galaxy with the power of the dark side. Brazen and shameless, and at their own mortal peril, they had waged etheric war, anticipating that their own midi-chlorians, the Force’s proxy army, might marshal to boil their blood or stop the beating of their hearts. Risen out of themselves, discorporate and as a single entity, they had brought the power of their will to bear, asserting their sovereignty over the Force. No counterforce had risen against them. In what amounted to a state of rapture they knew that the Force had yielded, as if some deity had been tipped from its throne. On the fulcrum they had fashioned, the light side had dipped and the dark side had ascended.

A disseminação do caos

Então nós vemos, seres podem corromper a Força. No primeiro caso, alguns seres imensamente poderosos podem fazer uma mudança galáctica. Por outro lado, indivíduos fracos, mas extremamente numerosos, podem fazer o mesmo. Então os Sith tiveram que espalhar a miséria para criar medo, raiva e ódio.

“Through us, the powers of chaos are harnessed and exploited. Dark times don’t simply emerge, Sidious. Enlightened beings, guiding intelligences manipulate events to bring about a storm that will deliver power into the hands of an elite group willing to make the hard choices the Republic fears to make. Beings may elect their leaders, but the Force has elected us.” He glanced at his apprentice. “Remember, though, that a cunning politician is capable of wreaking more havoc than two Sith Lords armed with vibroblades, lightsabers, or force pikes. That is what you must become, with me advising you from the dark.”

Desde a refondação da ordem de Bane, os Sith têm fomentado revoltas, encorajando a escravidão, tornando as instituições políticas disfuncionais, aumentando as tensões sociais, e assim por diante, culminando com as Guerras Clônicas. Isso deu força ao lado negro.

A Queda dos Jedi

Da vingança dos Sith:

Mace looked even grimmer than usual. "Since the fall of Darth Bane more than a millennium ago, there have been hundreds of thousands of Jedi-hundreds of thousands of Jedi feeding the light with each work of their hands, with each breath, with every beat of their hearts, bringing justice, building civil society, radiating peace, acting out of selfless love for all living things-and in all these thousand years, there have been only two Sith at any time. Only two. Jedi create light, but the Sith do not create darkness. They merely use the darkness that is always there. That has always been there. Greed and jealousy, aggression and lust and fear-these are all natural to sentient beings. The legacy of the jungle. Our inheritance from the dark."

Esta citação é preenchida com propaganda Jedi IMHO, mas ainda há um ponto válido. Os Jedi tornaram o lado da luz muito mais strong apenas por existirem, e fizeram esforços ativos para torná-lo ainda mais strong. As Guerras Clônicas foram a solução. Muitos grandes Jedi caíram por causa da guerra (Dooku, Deepa, Vos), e até mesmo aqueles que não se desviaram onde estavam contaminados:

De Labirinto do Mal

Yes, just as Yoda had sensed after Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan had freed him from slavery on Tatooine and brought him to the Jedi Temple, he had a lot of anger in him. But what Yoda failed to realize was that anger could be a kind of fuel. In peaceful times Anakin might have been able to bridle his rage, but now he relied on it to drive him forward, to transform him into the person he needed to be. Cut off the head. Twice he might have been able to kill Dooku himself had Obi-Wan not held him back. But he didn't hold that against his former Master.

30.08.2012 / 20:55

Acho que isso é um mal-entendido.

Windu acabou de chegar a essa conclusão, que a habilidade de usar a força diminuiu porque tudo o que estava acontecendo de errado estava acontecendo embaixo de seus narizes na hora e eles não a viram.

Então eles concluem que eles não eram strongs na força ultimamente porque perderam uma trama óbvia e, sendo honesto e tudo mais, Windu queria alertar o Senado que eles poderiam estar dependendo muito dos Jedi que não podiam ajudar muito.

É claro que tudo isso estava acontecendo por causa da influência direta e do subterfúgio usado pelos Sith, mas essa passagem, na minha opinião, é apenas Windu reconhecendo esse fato!

30.08.2012 / 23:00

A resposta está em Darth Plagueis . Plagueis estava experimentando influenciar os midiclorianos em grande escala. Ele encontrou uma maneira de influenciar os midiclorianos em uma escala galáctica, mas não no nível que desejava.

"To say that the Force works in mysterious ways is to admit one's ignorance, for any mystery can be solved through the application of knowledge and unrelenting effort. As we had our way with the Senate, and as we will soon have our way with the Republic and the Jedi, we will have our way with the Force."

30.08.2012 / 17:57

Além da resposta de user8252, no romance "Tarkin", é revelado que o templo Jedi em Coruscant foi construído sobre um antigo santuário Sith. Os Jedi tinham assumido que os Sith tinham ido embora e o poço da Força Lateral Negra exausto, mas não era esse o caso; Sidious foi capaz de explorar a grande piscina do Lado Negro, escondido no santuário, e usá-lo para encobrir lentamente o próprio templo Jedi com o Lado Negro, nublando as mentes de todos dentro.

10.09.2015 / 22:09
A verdadeira razão pela qual a visão dos Jedi foi impedida de ver através da força foi porque anos atrás, antes do templo Jedi ser construído em Coruscant, foi colocado um santuário Sith, no qual ao longo dos anos obscureceu o uso da força em todos os Jedi. que veio treinar lá, não foi exatamente colocado lá pelo Imperador, mas ele sabia sobre isso, possivelmente de seu mestre que poderia ter conhecido antes dele

23.12.2015 / 07:54