Qual é a citação / piada original de 42?


Eu tentei pesquisar a citação 42 original do google, mas isso não me daria muito. Pergunto-me, qual é a citação original do 42 ou a resposta para a vida, o universo e tudo o mais ...

por Kaleab 07.11.2017 / 17:51

2 respostas

Tenha em mente que o enredo do Guia do Mochileiro passa a maioria dos dois capítulos se acumulando até o momento. Descrições da majestade do computador (que ocupa uma cidade), a decepção inicial com o estado do computador pesquisando a resposta, levará vários milhões de anos ... e então chegamos a ...

"Good morning," said Deep Thought at last.

"Er... Good morning, O Deep Thought," said Loonquawl nervously, "do you have... er, that is..."

"An answer for you?" interrupted Deep Thought majestically. "Yes. I have."

The two men shivered with expectancy. Their waiting had not been in vain.

"There really is one?" breathed Phouchg.

"There really is one," confirmed Deep Thought.

"To Everything? To the great Question of Life, the Universe and Everything?"


Both of the men had been trained for this moment, their lives had been a preparation for it, they had been selected at birth as those who would witness the answer, but even so they found themselves gasping and squirming like excited children.

"And you're ready to give it to us?" urged Loonquawl.

"I am."


"Now," said Deep Thought.

They both licked their dry lips.

"Though I don't think," added Deep Thought, "that you're going to like it."

"Doesn't matter!" said Phouchg. "We must know it! Now!"

"Now?" inquired Deep Thought.

"Yes! Now..."

"Alright," said the computer and settled into silence again. The two men fidgeted. The tension was unbearable.

"You're really not going to like it," observed Deep Thought.

"Tell us!"

"Alright," said Deep Thought. "The Answer to the Great Question..."


"Of Life, the Universe and Everything..." said Deep Thought.


"Is..." said Deep Thought, and paused.




"Forty-two," said Deep Thought, with infinite majesty and calm.

The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Chapter 27

... que é imediatamente seguido no próximo capítulo por ...

Out of the corner of his eye Phouchg could see the sea of tense expectant faces down in the square outside.

"We're going to get lynched aren't we?" he whispered.

07.11.2017 / 17:59

O roteiro original de rádio é muito próximo do romance, mas aqui está em prol da perfeição. Extraído de uma edição de 1985 do Guia do Hitch-Hiker para a Galáxia: Os Scripts de Rádio Originais (foto) :


TWO: Deep Thought prepares to speak.

DT: Good Evening.

ONE: Good Evening... Oh Deep Thought... do you have...

DT: An answer for you? Yes, I have.

THREE: There really is one?

DT: There really is one.

ONE: To everything? To the great question of Life, the Universe and Everything?

DT: Yes.

TWO: And are you ready to give it to us?

DT: I am.

ONE: Now?

DT: Now.

ONE: Wow.


DT: Though I don't think you're going to like it.

TWO: Doesn't matter! We must know it!

DT: Now?

TWO: Yes! Now!

DT: All right.


ONE: Well?

DT: You're really not going to like it.

TWO: Tell us!!!!

DT: All right. The Answer to Everything...

TWO: Yes...!

DT: Life, The Universe and Everything...

ONE: Yes...!

DT: Is...

THREE: Yes...!

DT: IS...

ONE/TWO: Yes...!!!

DT: Forty two.

(Pause. Actually quite a long one)

TWO: We're going to get lynched, you know that.

Existem algumas pequenas diferenças tanto no romance quanto no que foi ouvido no rádio:

  • É aparentemente noite no rádio, mas de manhã no livro.
  • Existem três alienígenas conversando com o Deep Thought no roteiro, mas o episódio reduz para apenas dois, uma mudança que o romance mantém.
  • Os dois são creditados como Primeiro Programador de Computadores (Ray Hassett) e Segundo Programador de Computadores (Jeremy Browne). Eles não recebem nomes até o romance.
  • No episódio, o Segundo Programador de Computadores adiciona um "Sim!" no meio de uma das linhas do Pensamento Profundo, logo após "Uma resposta para você?".
  • O Segundo Programador de Computadores é um pouco mais confiante sobre esse linchamento iminente do que Phouchg.
05.06.2018 / 16:28