O processo de produção de South Park é bem conhecido, você só precisará assistir o documentário 6 dias ao ar :
The film follows the show's hectic, rushed six-day production schedule, in which a 22-minute episode is completed just hours before its original air date.
(Esta é uma citação da Wikipedia.)
De fato, para o primeiro episódio desta temporada
“Member Berries” was broadcast at 10 p.m. on Sept. 14, but hardly without last-minute incident. That morning, South Park Studios suffered a system crash, and the episode’s audio went missing for an hour and a half.
When the episode was transmitted to Comedy Central, it had a mystery six-frame sync problem that was finally fixed and delivered one hour before airtime.
Além disso, há evidências de que o episódio da semana passada os fabricantes tiveram uma vitória de Clinton , com a sinopse original sendo:
The new administration has plans for Gerald on an all-new episode of South Park titled "The Very First Gentleman" on Wednesday, November 9 at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT on Comedy Central. PC Principal tries one more time to make peace between the boys and the girls. Meanwhile, Gerald comes face-to-face with the Troll Hunter.
Observe o título do episódio.