Primeiro de tudo:
We've had allusions to his past
Eu recomendo que você leia a novela "The Churn" para aprender mais fatos concretos sobre o passado de Amos, já que ele é um dos personagens mais intrigantes da série para você.
A outra resposta faz um bom trabalho em apresentar como Amos se adapta a alguns dos sintomas do DSM para o Transtorno da Personalidade Anti-Social.
Recentemente (20 de fevereiro), um autoproclamado fã autista de The Expanse escreveu uma análise que argumenta que Amos poderia ser autista . Obviamente, é uma conjectura, e embora ele forneça algumas fontes de autoridade, também fontes de outros posts no blog - para o que vale, no entanto, Wes Chatham, que interpreta Amos no programa de TV The Expanse , chamou o artigo de "fascinante" e "muito intuitivo" . Eu vou resumir aqui.
Crianças que experimentam traumas da primeira infância (como Amos tem) são afetadas de maneiras que se encaixam com Amos, e que podem persistir até a idade adulta. Amos é razoavelmente “hipervigilante”, ele está sempre ciente de seu ambiente e ameaças potenciais. E "dissociação" também se encaixa bem com Amós:
Disassociation or ‘zoning out’ is another way the brain and body copes with high levels of potentially toxic stress hormones for overly long periods. It can also be a learnt survival strategy, submit, switch off and wait for the frightening, painful, incomprehensible act to be over. This ability to switch off can look like defiance or non-compliance as a child may just stare ahead and not respond to requests from adults
Pessoas que sofrem trauma podem entrar em uma condição conhecida como C-PTSD:
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental disorder that can develop after a person is exposed to a traumatic event, such as sexual assault, warfare, traffic collisions, or other threats on a person’s life.
Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) is a condition that results from chronic or long-term exposure to emotional trauma over which a victim has little or no control and from which there is little or no hope of escape, such as in cases of: domestic emotional, physical or sexual abuse.
O escritor argumenta que Amos exibe sinais de Transtorno de Estresse Pós-Traumático Complexo (C-PTSD) no programa de TV. Exemplos incluem quando o instinto de luta ou fuga de Amos o faz abandonar Naomi em uma situação estressante. O escritor aponta como seu autismo pode potencialmente impactar suas reações:
And especially autistics are prone to notice patterns in both our individual lives and the world around us. In Amos’ mind life is only survival and there are certain patterns that are worth adhering to even tho they don’t really mesh with “civilised life” where humans have become lulled in a false sense of security.
Outro argumento que é apresentado a Amós que sofre de C-PTSD é a sua sexualidade. As vítimas que sofrem de C-PTSD podem alternar entre sexualidade compulsiva ou extremamente inibida , como Amos parece fazer, e elas podem também se automedica , o que ele definitivamente faz. Citarei esses três parágrafos na íntegra na postagem do blog:
Eu sinto que o escritor faz um argumento sólido de que Amos pode sofrer de C-PTSD, e argumentos convincentes de que ele pode ter traços de autismo que talvez afetem suas maneiras de empatia com outras pessoas e lidar com este C-PTSD. p>When reading the Churn too, one thing that really struck me is that Amos is very disconnected from his own sexuality. He knows there are physical “drives”/“needs”, but it almost reads like he dissociates his way through most of it. In the main books too, when he can’t sleep and finds it weird because he usually always sleep better after (this might be because sexual activities trigger the release of endorphin’s and other hormones that have been shown to counteract the effects of hypervigilence, thus calming ptsd symptoms to a more manageable level (it also does wonders to make you feel in control of your own situation - again, personal experience)).
Insomnia and nightmares are also common symptoms of ptsd, and it would make sense that Amos have found certain ways to alleviate these symptoms, which include his famous brothel-diving, and drinking his body weight in alcohol when he gets shore leave.Self-medication is a common behavior among people with PTSD in the community.
He’s also been described as “picking fight because he enjoys it”, which is a pretty obvious sign of self destructive behaviour, and it also circles back to his need to feel in control of his life and his surroundings. This war between self destruction and asserting control is textbook Ptsd. Coupled with growing up in an environment that is clearly mired in toxic masculinity and the heteronormative status quo (fascinating that earth society seems to have advanced absolutely not at all on those fronts, esp in Baltimore) it would seem perfectly natural for Amos to internalise his stress and emotions and keep it all under wraps until he hits port and can “blow off steam” as they say. If Amos is indeed autistic, this research article (linked in the blog) is relevant: The Effects of Psychological Trauma on Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders