Benefícios para comer boa comida


Eu projetei um personagem para cozinhar qualquer coisa e deixá-lo com um ótimo sabor. Isso foi feito principalmente para fins de RP, mas fiquei curioso para saber se existe algum sistema que agregue benefícios para comer boa comida fresca. Talvez algo como um bônus moral. Estou ciente das rações raciais e posso usá-las sem os limites raciais se meu DM aprovar.

por Aaron 27.05.2014 / 17:18

2 respostas

Como a outra resposta diz, não há um sistema para isso nas regras do pathfinder. Então, aqui estão algumas regras da casa que você poderia usar. Eu começaria invertendo as regras para fome e sede .

Enquanto você fica desidratado, você faz verificações sucessivas de constituição e começa a receber dano não letal e letal a cada hora. Além disso, os personagens que estão passando fome ou desidratados ficam fatigados. Portanto, ser bem alimentado deve inverter esses efeitos de alguma forma.

Aqui está um exemplo de efeito de status que eu consegui implementar:


A nourished character can run as if she possessed the Run feat, and is granted a +1 circumstance bonus to Strength and Dexterity based checks, as well as a +4 circumstance bonus vs effects that cause fatigue or exhaustion. Becoming fatigued or doing anything that would cause fatigue removes this condition. Otherwise, it fades after one hour.

E também uma potencial implementação da profissão (culinária)

Profession (Cooking)

You are skilled at preparing exceptionally nourishing meals.

Check: Preparing a meal has a DC of 10 (for a decent meal), 20 (good meal), 30 (extraordinary meal), or 40 (legendary meal). You need ingredients, and a suitable kitchen or equivalent work space. Without a proper kitchen, you take -4 on your cooking check. Cooking without ingredients is impossible.

Decent Meal: Pretty standard fare. A decent meal grants the nourished condition

Good Meal: A good meal, the kind you could expect to find in a particularly expensive restaurant or luxurious inn. In addition to the effects of the nourished condition, a good meal grants a +1 circumstance bonus on fort saves for the condition's duration.

Extraordinary Meal: An incredible meal, the like of which most people will experience only rarely, unless they are quite wealthy. In addition to the effects of a good meal, an extraordinary meal grants 1d8 temporary hit points.

Legendary Meal: A meal of legendary quality. As word gets around of your skill, kings will fight to have you in their kitchens, and beings from other planes will seek you out to experience your masterful creations. A legendary meal grants the nourished condition, as well as a +2 circumstance bonus to all saves, and d8 + (Cook's HD) temporary hit points. Such a meal is so good that creatures who taste it can't bear the thought of dying without tasting it again.

Action: Preparing a meal takes one hour, although a particularly intricate or important meal may take longer, at the GM's discretion.

Try Again: Yes, but every time you prepare a meal any ingredients used are consumed.

E, finalmente, alguns itens de amostra


Basic Ingredients: The bare necessities required to create a meal. Price: 1s. Weight: 1/4 lbs.

Extravagant Ingredients: Very extravagant ingredients. Grant a +2 circumstance bonus to a Profession (Cooking) check made to create a meal. Price: 15g. Weight: 1/4 lbs.

Legendary Ingredients: Incredibly hard to find ingredients, of legendary quality. Grant a +5 circumstance bonus to a Profession (Cooking) check made to create a meal. Price: 500g. Weight: 1/4 lbs.


Cooking Kit: Basic tools required to cook a meal. Price: 5g. Weight: 5 lbs.

Kitchen: This kitchen is used for cooking, and provides a +2 circumstance bonus on Profession (Cooking) checks. It does not provide any ingredients. Without this kitchen, a character with the Profession (Cooking) skill is assumed to have enough tools to use the skill but not enough to get the +2 bonus that the kitchen provides. Price: 200g. Weight: 40 lbs.

27.05.2014 / 19:03

Não há nada no Pathfinder RAW sobre isso. No entanto, em 3.5 havia regras opcionais sobre Manutenção (DMG p.130) que usamos uma variante de Living Greyhawk :

The GP required to support PCs between adventures is called upkeep.

For 12 GP per TU* your PC gets adventurer’s standard upkeep. This pays for common room and board, replenishes rations, mends clothing and equipment, refills healing and disguise kits, restocks up to twenty normal steel arrows and bolts, and heals hit point and temporary ability damage between adventures.

You may also pay more GP to live better than the average adventurer. For 50 GP per TU, rich upkeep gives the same 5 benefits as standard upkeep and a +2 Circumstance bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, Perform, Profession, and Sense Motive checks when your GM determines that your increased social status would grant you a benefit. For 100 GP per TU, luxury upkeep increases this bonus to +4.

You may choose not to pay for your PC’s upkeep for an adventure. If you do so, the PC retains any damage into the next adventure and does not gain any of the benefits of standard upkeep. The PC may gain other penalties or benefits at the discretion of your GM. At the beginning of the adventure, if your PC possesses at least five ranks in Survival and succeed on a DC 20 Survival check, he gains the benefits for standard upkeep. He may still gain penalties or benefits at the discretion of your GM. If you fail this check, you may not then choose to pay for upkeep for that adventure.

* Unidade de tempo: abstração do tempo gasto sem se aventurar, cerca de 1 semana.

O que eu faço é usar alguma variante dessas regras e deixar sua habilidade Culinária contribuir com $$ para isso - se você tiver uma Profissão: Culinária +10, então você está basicamente produzindo um excesso de 10 po / semana para ajudar a acabar com essas regras. custos - então você pode colocar 40-50 po em um mês para ter um estilo de vida mais alto.

Na verdade, seria muito fácil integrá-lo às Regras de tempo de inatividade no Pathfinder que, caso contrário, detalhe a vida no tempo de inatividade e faça sua cozinha gerar capital. Eles whiffed na seção de manutenção das regras, que basicamente dizem "uh, nada", mas você poderia bloqueá-lo lá com bastante facilidade.

27.05.2014 / 17:33