De onde o Capuz conseguiu seus poderes?


O Hood (Thunderbirds) é bem conhecido por seus olhos iluminados na série e pelas cutículas torcidas no filme (veja as imagens abaixo). Para um show / filme de ficção científica, esses poderes parecem surpreendentemente mágicos. Existe alguma referência sempre (todos os materiais aceitos) de onde ele tirou seus poderes e a natureza desses poderes (experiência de psicologia deu errado!)?

por Often Right 13.04.2014 / 07:53

2 respostas

Seus poderes são desconhecidos em sua origem. É assim declarado na wikia do The Hood .

De acordo com a TV e banda desenhada

Throughout the series, the Hood was shown to be a master of disguise, using various masks to try and discover the secrets of the Thunderbirds machines and carry out various missions. He also possessed strange hypnotic powers of unknown origin, although these abilities were apparently limited to making people carry out simple commands, such as to follow him or put them to sleep. He was also apparently unable to use these powers to acquire information; on one occasion he attempted to force Brains to tell him the location of a lost treasure by burying him up to his neck in sand and sunlight and depriving him of water rather than simply hypnotising him to learn the answer, suggesting that he cannot make people tell him information but simply make them carry out certain actions.

De acordo com o filme

In the film, the Hood's abilities were changed to telekinesis, allowing him to levitate himself and move objects, although his temporary control of Lady Penelope and Parker's bodies when they attempted to rescue the Tracys suggests that he retained at least some of his old hypnotic powers. However, over-use of these abilities weakened him, and—in a marked contrast to the series—his niece Tin-Tin was also shown to possess these abilities, although she only ever used them to help her friends; she even managed to overpower her uncle in a duel, although he had been weakened by over-using his powers while fighting Alan.

13.04.2014 / 16:25

Wikipedia e o Thunderbirds Wikia ambos afirmam que a origem de seus poderes é desconhecida (btw, ambas as páginas são quase as mesmas):

"(...) – remain a mystery, as does the origin of his mysterious hypnotic powers. (...)"

Além disso, na seção "Poderes e habilidades" de ambas as páginas, nenhuma menção é feita sobre a origem.

13.04.2014 / 23:30