Onde o Rei e a Rainha tiveram a ideia de trancar Elsa?


Depois que Elsa congela a cabeça de Anna, Grand Pabbie dá a Elsa e sua família alguns conselhos sobre como lidar com seus poderes crescentes.

Grand Pabbie: It's for the best. Listen to me, Elsa, your power will only grow. There is beauty in it. But also great danger. You must learn to control it. Fear will be your enemy.

King: No. We'll protect her. She can learn to control it. I'm sure. Until then, we'll lock the gates. We'll reduce the staff. We will limit her contact with people, and keep her powers hidden from everyone. Including Anna.

Então, por que bloquear os portões, reduzir o pessoal, limitar o contato e fornecer luvas? Por que eles acham que esse foi o melhor curso de ação?

por BCLC 09.08.2016 / 19:48

1 resposta

Isso parece se resumir a quatro elementos principais;

1) A informação de Grand Pabbie era bastante vaga. O conselho geral dele era que ela precisava controlar seus poderes. Os pais dela entendem que ela deve restringi-los, em vez de aprender a usá-los efetivamente.

2) Elsa é vista por seus pais como sendo um perigo para si mesma e para os outros. Provavelmente, quando ela tira as luvas (tanto metaforicamente quanto literalmente), ela quase mata todo o reino. / p>

3) As habilidades mágicas de Elsa estão crescendo e se tornando mais incontroláveis ao longo do tempo. Seus pais parecem profundamente preocupados que o Reino descubra seus poderes, que eles reajam com medo e ódio, prejudicando suas chances de se tornar a próxima rainha.

The king and queen acted just as cautiously inside the castle. As the princesses grew, their parents did everything they could to ensure that Elsa learned to control herself. That meant the girls were hardly ever together. Nor did Elsa seek Anna out, since she was afraid she might accidentally hurt her. Day after day, Elsa spent most of her time training to be the next ruler—and learning to keep her powers in check.

The training was difficult, and Elsa often felt unable to contain her magic. Ice seemed to form on her fingertips whenever she laughed or cried or became upset.
Worried, the king gave Elsa a pair of leather gloves. He advised her to keep them on at all times, and reminded her that she had to hide her icy magic in order to stay safe. “Conceal it,” he told her.
“Don’t feel it,” she answered.
“Don’t let it show,” he agreed.

Frozen: The Junior Novelisation

A própria Elsa não está disposta a usar sua magia construtivamente . Seu medo é que ela cause dano aos outros. Ela simplesmente quer reprimir seus poderes.

Without any memory of Elsa’s magic, Anna had no idea why she was always alone. Over time, she simply came to accept that her sister’s coldness was part of who she was. She didn’t know that Elsa was lonely too, and that she missed Anna as much as Anna missed her. Elsa longed to play with Anna but was fearful of the harm her magic might cause by mistake.

Frozen: The Junior Novelisation

10.08.2016 / 13:04