O que Yennefer está pensando?


No final de Sangue dos Elfos , Yennefer e Ciri têm a seguinte troca (ênfase minha):

“Lady Yennefer?”


“What are you looking at like that?”

“At that tree. That linden tree.”

“And what’s so interesting about it?”

“Nothing. I’m simply feasting my eyes on it. I’m happy that . . . I can see it.”

“I don’t understand.”


Silence. No words. Humid.

Qual é o significado das palavras de Yennefer? Ela está se lembrando de uma boa memória com Geralt?

Por favor, evite spoilers de livros futuros em suas respostas.

por BlueMoon93 13.10.2017 / 16:19

1 resposta

O comentário de Valorum está correto: Yennefer realmente perdeu a visão, como nos contou Triss em Blood of Elves , capítulo três:

Damn it, I’m Triss Merigold, the Fourteenth One Killed at Sodden. There are fourteen graves at the foot of the obelisk on the Hill, but only thirteen bodies. You’re amazed such a mistake could have been made? Most of the corpses were in hard-to-recognise pieces—no one identified them. The living were hard to account for, too. Of those who had known me well, Yennefer was the only one to survive, and Yennefer was blind. Others knew me fleetingly and always recognised me by my beautiful hair. And I, damn it, didn’t have it any more!
Emphasis mine, translation by David French

Batalha de Sodden aconteceu durante o conto "Something More", que, creio eu, termina a antologia de .

13.10.2017 / 18:24