Quantas maneiras existem para viajar para ou do Universo Espelho?


O Universo Espelho é representado em não menos que oito episódios de Star Trek .

Ainda acredito que foi alcançado de muitas maneiras diferentes, intencionais e não.

Quantas maneiras existem para viajar entre o Universo Primordial e o Universo Espelho?

por ThePopMachine 17.10.2015 / 18:14

2 respostas

Detonação de uma ogiva de tricobalto dentro do poço de gravidade de uma estrela morta

No episódio ENT Em um espelho, sombriamente :

In the mirror universe, 2155, the Tholians detonated a tricobalt warhead inside the gravity well of a dead star, creating an interphasic rift to the year 2268 of the prime universe.

Uma tempestade de íons durante a operação do transportador

No episódio de TOS Espelho, Espelho :

First they were in their own transporter chamber then they faded and upon finally materializing they had appeared wherever they were. Scotty said that the transporter lock could have been affected by the ion storm and they just materialized somewhere else. Kirk then realizes what has happened. They've somehow entered a parallel universe, where everything's duplicated... or, almost duplicated. Everyone contemplates the thought that they all likely have counterparts in the universe that they exchanged places with during transport. That there were similar storms on both universes disrupted both sets of transporter circuits.

Falha no colapso do campo de dobra durante o transporte do buraco de minhoca

No episódio do DS9, Crossover :

As their runabout drops out of warp, the warp field does not collapse properly and they are engulfed in a white flash upon entering the wormhole. When they exit the Bajoran wormhole in the Alpha Quadrant, they are shocked to see the station is gone, instead orbiting Bajor much as it did during the occupation.

Programação desconhecida de um transportador multidimensional

No episódio do DS9, Shattered Mirror :

When he returns, he discovers they have left the station, leaving behind a multidimensional transporter device. Sisko tries to follow this trail, accompanied by Major Kira and Chief O'Brien, only to discover the device was programmed to transport him to the mirror universe alone.

E no episódio DS9 O Novo Manto do Imperador :

They bring the cloaking device to Ezri in cargo bay 14, where she has apparently set up the interdimensional transporter needed to travel to the alternate universe. As she gets it ready, Rom observes the striking resemblance to the Ezri he knows. However, before she leaves, Quark decides that he and Rom need to go with her to ensure they get Zek back. Ezri does not think doing so is a good idea, but as Martok angrily enters the cargo bay and comes after them, the mirror universe suddenly looks a lot more appealing. The three of them transport across with the cloaking device.

17.10.2015 / 18:38

Vale a pena mencionar que no (ambiguamente) jogo canônico Star Trek Online, há um evento "Mirror Universe Invasion" acontecendo agora. Os navios terráqueos estão entrando no Primeiro Universo através de "fendas" artificiais, sem nenhuma explicação real a partir de agora.

06.11.2015 / 18:27