O artista FX diz que o sapato está lá e você não pode vê-lo.
De uma entrevista com o Star Wars de 2003 com Ken Ralston (artista de efeitos visuais no ROTJ):
Which brings us back to Ralston’s tennis shoe – among other things – and the fact that it’s an amazing accomplishment just to see how many ships there are buzzing around the moon of Endor, or how many ships there seems to be.
"I was always trying to stick stuff into shots,” Ralston laughs. “JEDI has my tennis shoes and also a yogurt container as part of the ships in the background! Who would know? It’s like there’s all this stuff going on – and I thought, ‘Hey, it’d be fun.’ It was my way of just saying, ‘See what you can get away with?’ Some people noodle this stuff so much, fretting about it, but it’s like, you know, you can’t tell what this stuff is – just stick it out there!”
E de “ Making of Return of the Jedi ” por J.W. Rinzler
Então havia um sapato (e chiclete) na cena, mas você não pode vê-lo, e nem George Lucas, você apenas terá que aceitar a palavra de Ken Ralston. Fornecer uma captura de tela como evidência pode ser difícil, já que qualquer coisa que parecesse fora de lugar e óbvia (como o pote de iogurte) foi removida.Ralston describes showing the scene to George complete with the shoe, wads of gum, and a yogurt container in it.
Lucas vetoed the yogurt container because he said it looked “odd”, but even he wasn’t able to spot the shoe and gum.
Você PODE ver os TIEs fantasmas no filme original
Com relação aos " caças do Ghost TIE ", estes são visíveis no original, mas foram corrigidos nos últimos lançamentos.