É para ser inferido que sim, pode, se não houver blocos no lugar. Em ST: Voyager S01E11, ' Estado do Fluxo ', aos 41:38 marca:
JANEWAY: Minor technology that could change the balance of power in this quadrant.
SESKA: Change it in our favour! That is all that matters at this point. Building a
base of power in this quadrant. You are a fool, Captain, and you're a fool to follow
her. I can't imagine how I ever loved you. Computer, command XJL.
(Seska beams out.)
CHAKOTAY: Computer, override transport in progress.
COMPUTER: Unable to comply. Security lockout is in place.
JANEWAY: Computer, identify destination of transport.
COMPUTER: A Kazon vessel fourteen kilometres off the port bow.
Agora, lembre-se de que, conforme o Transporter verifica, ele também desmaterializa o assunto:
Next, the lifeform or object to be beamed was scanned on the quantum
level, using a molecular imaging scanner. At this point, Heisenberg
compensators took into account the position and direction of all
subatomic particles composing the object or individual and created a
map of the physical structure being disassembled, amounting to
billions of kiloquads of data.
An active phaser caught in the transport process Simultaneously, the
object was broken down into a stream of subatomic particles, also
called the matter stream. While certain types of energy could be
transported safely, active phaser beams would be disrupted during this
breakdown process. (TNG: "Datalore") The matter stream was briefly
stored in a pattern buffer while the system compensates for Doppler
shift to the destination.
Meu exemplo (possivelmente o único), no topo, de uma tentativa de comandar o aborto de um uso médio do Transporter foi aquele em que eles poderiam ter se importado menos [er] sobre a saúde / destruição resultante do assunto.
Tecnicamente, eu teria que pensar que o computador teria uma rotina, ao receber uma substituição, para concluir a varredura e, em seguida, transportar o assunto de volta para o local de partida, em vez de segmentar um.
Infelizmente, os exemplos parecem limitados.