Ele quase morreu. Mesmo saindo da trincheira a toda velocidade imediatamente depois de fazer o tiro (sem esperar para ver se ele entrou) e queimando diretamente para longe da estação a toda velocidade, sua asa X ainda estava balançando para frente e para trás com a energia da vala. explosão. Eventualmente ele e os outros navios conseguiram superar a onda de choque.
Luke knew that the moment would be imprinted on his memory forever. The way the ring of pure energy and fire blew out from the center of the battle station, ripping it apart into nothing more than shreds of metal and dust. The pressure of the detonation rocked the X-wing, sending it bobbing. Just as quickly, his flight smoothed out again and calm returned to the galaxy. The terrifying giant was gone, and with it the weight of fear that had been pressing down on Luke.
And then there was an explosion.
Luke got away just in time. He looked back over his shoulder. In a blinding flash of light, the Death Star burst into a billion pieces.
The three Rebel starfighters and the Falcon were barely out of the danger zone when the Death Star exploded in an immense, blinding flash. From a distance, the blast resembled a small supernova.