Você desejará usar a luz vermelho .
Por quê?
Veja A luz vermelha preserva sua visão noturna? na Biologia StackExchange para uma boa explicação da biologia e fisiologia envolvida, e como se relaciona com a capacidade de percepção.
Como declarado em esta resposta (por leonardo ) para essa pergunta:
If one is exposed to red light (above ~650 nm), it would activate the L-type cones mainly (possibly some M-type activation), but no rod activation. Rods are the low light receptor cells in our eyes, and as such, are very sensitive to the photon density, or brightness, entering the eye.
This is just my speculation, but I think it's plausible that if you were in a completely dark environment with just a red light, filtering out the higher frequencies, night vision could be spared in the sense that we don't activate the rod cells.