Um bom exemplo seria " Encontro no Elba " (1949):
The Soviet Red Army and the American army meet at the Elbe, in Germany, thereby ending World War II with a victory. Still, there are new challenges in the Soviet occupied territory in peace, too, namely rebuilding the cities and winning over the sympathies of German civilians. The Soviet commander in charge of the area, Kuzmin, creates a friendship with German scientist Dietrich and persuades him to become the mayor of Altenstadt. However, when Dietrich's patents are stolen, he suspects the Soviets and flees to the American zone. There, he is shocked by the US mismanagement of Germany, and returns humbly back to the Soviet zone.
Se eu me lembro bem, também estava mostrando um racismo horrível entre os soldados dos EUA, com um soldado negro espancado e chutado de um pub.
Outro exemplo: " Eu sou Cuba " que mostra o contraste entre americanos ricos e cubanos pobres antes da revolução de Castro:
Em geral, nos outros filmes, West foi mostrado não tanto quanto "mal" mas "corrompido" ("Rotten Imperialistic West") - um lugar onde a Máfia e as empresas implacáveis dominam tudo, os negros são tratados como os cidadãos e a cultura de segunda classe são reduzidos ao consumo irracional ou à "rocha barulhenta" alimentada pela heroína. Infelizmente, não consigo me lembrar de muitos desses filmes - a maior parte da propaganda descrita acima vinha de notícias ou documentários.Farmer Pedro, who just raised his biggest crop of sugar yet. However, his landlord rides up to the farm as he is harvesting his crops and tells him that he has sold the land that Pedro lives on to United Fruit, and Pedro and his family must leave immediately. Pedro asks what about the crops? The landowner says, "you raised them on my land. I'll let you keep the sweat you put into growing them, but that is all," and he rides off. Pedro lies to his children and tells them everything is fine. He gives them all the money he has and tells them to have a fun day in town. After they leave, he sets all of his crops and house on fire. He then dies from the smoke inhalation.
Maria lives in a shanty-town on the edge of Havana and hopes to get married to her fruit-seller boyfriend, Rene. Rene is unaware that she leads an unhappy double-life as "Betty", a bar prostitute at one of the Havana casinos catering to rich Americans. One night, her client asks her if he can see where she lives rather than taking her to his own room. She takes him to her small hovel where she reluctantly undresses. The next morning he tosses her a few dollars and takes her most prized possession, her crucifix necklace. As he is about to leave Rene walks in and sees his ashamed fiancée. The American callously says, "Bye Betty!" as he makes his exit.