Um presidente pode realmente deixar a Casa Branca com pouca segurança?


Em Sobrevivente Designado (episódio 2 eu acho), o Presidente Kirkman pergunta ao Serviço Secreto sobre usar o colete à prova de balas. Sua resposta foi "As duas maneiras que um presidente deixa a Casa Branca é com isso ou um boné na porta dos fundos"
Mais tarde, no próximo episódio, o presidente realmente faz isso para revisitar o site do Capitólio.
Isso é realmente verdade para os presidentes da vida real? Será que eles realmente "saem pela porta dos fundos com basicamente nenhuma segurança?

Exemplos da vida real de presidentes recentes preferem, mas não são necessários

por Mennyg 01.02.2017 / 06:45

2 respostas

Do they ever actually "go out the back door" with basically no security?

Provavelmente não, mas não é exatamente desconhecido para os presidentes "irem andando".

Obama era conhecido por isso.


In Minneapolis late last month, he told a town hall meeting he liked to “tease” his Secret Service agents about how he was becoming unpredictable, before taking an unscheduled trip to a natural foods store and ice cream parlor. And in Austin earlier this week, Obama described how during a previous trip to the city, an unscheduled walk along the river had tested his detail’s nerves.

“I got about probably a mile, mile and a half, and then some people started spotting me so that by the time — Secret Service got nervous, and then by the time we got back, there was a big rope line and there was all the fuss,” Obama said.

The pull between allowing the president more freedom to engage with voters, escaping the confines of his office and the security challenges such movements create seemed crystalized in a pair of events during Obama’s trip to Denver earlier this week.

After grabbing some pizza at a photo op with individuals who had written him letters, the president decided to forgo his motorcade and instead walk down a downtown promenade. During that trip, the president was approached by — and ended up shaking hands with — a man wearing a full latex horse mask.

Later that evening, Obama dropped by a pool hall and brewery, where one patron asked Obama if he wanted to smoke pot with him.

Unscheduled trips can also have their benefits, said Mickey Nelson, who retired recently as the assistant director of the Secret Service.

“We use the element of surprise to our advantage,” Nelson said. “If we don't know were going there to the last minute, the adversary certainly doesn't know it.”

We’ve been doing unscheduled movement since we started protecting the president in 1901,” Nelson said. “We’ve done them in war zones like Iraq and Afghanistan. We know what we’re doing.”

The Secret Service was reluctant to discuss if they had had discussions with the president’s staff about the frequency of the president’s “off the record trips,” which are happening with greater frequency as the midterm elections approach.

01.02.2017 / 12:41

Não houve nenhuma instância registrada verificada de um Presidente que fosse desonesto ou abandonasse seus detalhes do Serviço Secreto. Enquanto alguns presidentes são conhecidos por sair da rota agendada ou verificada, eles sempre tiveram agentes de S.S. com eles. Houve rumores de JFK sair em DC sozinho, mas nada confirmado pelo S. S. ou notícias.

Embora seja possível, não é provável que a pessoa mais observada do planeta fuja da parte de trás do prédio mais vigiado do planeta.

01.02.2017 / 18:45