As dívidas Wookiee Life são oficialmente não-canônicas para o 'nouveau' de Star Wars?


Alguém sabe se o conceito Wookiee Life Debt oficialmente não faz mais parte da tradição de Star Wars? Eu sei que o termo "Wookiee Life Debt" não foi mencionado em nenhum episódio, apenas em jogos (como KOTOR).

Tenho certeza que já há uma pergunta sobre os motivos de Chewbacca ter deixado Han tão rapidamente quando ele caiu, mas eu estava imaginando se alguém sabe especificamente se o conceito de um Wookiee Life Debt existe mesmo no novo cânone de Star Wars.

por DaWiseguy 14.08.2017 / 23:23

1 resposta

O conceito de " dívida de vida de Wookiee" é totalmente canônico na nova franquia da Disney.

Por exemplo, no romance Star Wars: Aftermath - Life Debt , obtemos a seguinte passagem de Han sobre Chewie

“He’s a Wookiee, right? Kashyyyk, that’s where he comes from, that’s his home. But it’s not his anymore. I’ve been there. I’ve seen what the Empire has done. They ripped down the trees. They put cuffs and collars on all the Wookiees. Some of them they cut open. Others they ship off to work the worst jobs the Empire has on offer. They took his home from him. I can’t abide that. I don’t have a home anymore besides the Falcon, but him? He does. And he deserves to go home. He has a family, too, you know.

“I saved him, at least that’s what he says, the big fuzzy fool, but really, he saved me. I was on a bad path, and Chewie, he put me straight. Saved my shanks more than once, too. He said it was part of some life debt—he has a word for it, but if I try to say it in his tongue I’ll probably strain something. Even if I can’t say it, I know what it means. It means that he owes his life to me.

“But that’s a hot cup of bantha spit, is what it is. He doesn’t owe me. I owe him. I got a debt to Chewie to get him his home back. So when this chance came up, I leapt at it. The rebels, or the Republic, or whatever they want to call themselves? They didn’t want any part of it. I made it clear, we need to make Kashyyyk a priority, but they waved me off. Not strategically significant, they said. Not yet. Soon. Blah blah. Bureaucracy and strategy and war planning? They made me a general but I didn’t know a thing about any of that. I don’t follow what’s on some…schematic. I follow what’s in here. In my gut. My gut always knows the way.

E de Star Wars: absolutamente tudo o que você precisa saber ;

Q. Why does Chewie get mad when Luke tries to handcuff him?

A. It reminds him of his time as a slave of the Empire, which imprisons and enslaves many Wookiees. Chewie was rescued by Han Solo, and pledged a Wookiee life debt to him in thanks

14.08.2017 / 23:39